Chapter 23

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It's been two months since Camila has been taken away from her hotel room. For two months she has been under control of the mysterious Jauregui offspring the 'Angel of Blood' or as Camila must address her sometimes as Miss. Jauregui. It wasn't too bad if Camila was being honest. She thought that she would be nothing but a pain slave. She thought that her body would be abused and mistreated in every tortuous way to let Miss. Jauregui's frustration out. Unless that's what Camila thought that all mafia slaves were used for.

Except all she really is, is a puppy following around her owner everywhere she goes on a leash. Camila was treated like an animal but never had to act like one. If Miss. Jauregui said to retrieve something Camila had to obey and bring back what she asked or if Miss. Jauregui said to be quiet then Camila would have to do just that.

It was different from her usual lifestyle where instead she would be the upper hand and someone else leashed up. Nonetheless she couldn't complain really it wasn't all that bad. Her rules were simple. Be polite to Miss. Jauregui and Mike, don't speak to anyone unless you are allowed to, don't even think about asking to leave somewhere without Miss. Jauregui's supervision, don't go where you aren't supposed to go, don't ask to sleep on the bed, don't complain about how much food or water you receive, don't complain when given something to do, and absolutely no attitude.

Camila was very good at following these rules. The first time Miss. Jauregui said those rules they've been glued to her mind ever since so that way she, under no circumstances, screw up and get punished. And boy did Miss. Jauregui have death in her eyes when she said there will be brutal consequences if I fucked up.

Camila had slipped twice these past two months. The first time she accidentally whined when she was in desperate need to go to the bathroom, but Miss. Jauregui denied her access until she was done with her eyeliner which lead to getting a harsh slap to the face. The second time she let out a groan and a huff when Miss. Jauregui told her to take papers to get father's office which was at the highest floor of the building that lead her to get burned by an extremely hot iron rod.

Since then Camila has done very well at keeping herself in check and she can sense the proudness Miss. Jauregui feels about her slave, even if she never really showed it in any type of way.

Although there were still a lot of complications when it came to being a slave. Camila couldn't let her true identity be known. She always has to find a way to sneak on some foundation to cover her mark, she had to make sure she seemed innocent and not eavesdropping when anybody talked about mafia related stuff, and she had to act "frightened" by everyone. Even though Camila is a pretty fucking good actor it's hard to actually be intimidated by half of these people. Especially the guys. Some guys we're genuinely the most freighting people Camila had ever seen and others were nothing but try hards that tried so desperately to seem all big and bad. Which they weren't, but Camila had to play a role to make her seem like a normal old Regular who didn't know shit about anything related to mafias.

Another problem is this short stack named Miss. Hernandez or as Miss. Jauregui sometimes calls her Ally. Ever since Camila came along and Miss. Jauregui introduced Camila to her she's always given her this very unfriendly glare that never really intimidated Camila, but it sure annoyed the hell out of the slave. Miss. Jauregui had moments, from what Camila noticed, that she didn't seem like no assassin, no daughter of the mafia leader, no blood driven murder. She seemed like an ordinary girl and at those time Miss. Jauregui showed affection towards Camila. She would run her hand through my hair, give her much more food or water than usual and actually unleash her and let her wander about in her room to allow her to stretch her legs. It was weird when it happened, it was so strange.

One moment Camila is terrified by the fire in those green eyes then the next she can't help but admire the soft look in those gray eyes. It was confusing like really confusing. This usually happened after Miss. Jauregui returned from a mission, after a heated argument, after killing people, or when she was so tired after so many hours with no rest. Honestly Camila didn't know who she preferred. The fire eyes or the soft eyes. Either way Camila doesn't ever think she'll get the short blonde's beady eyes off her. Oh well.

"You seem awfully quiet today. Everything all right?", Miss. Jauregui said in a soft tone.

She was currently soft gray eyes. She had normal everyday pj's, her hair feel flawlessly over her shoulders, and she had just a calm expression it was hard for Camila to believe she was capable of that. She found it very admiring.

"Oh um yes ma'am everything is alright", Camila spoke in a soft whisper.

She heard the bed squeak softly and soon a chair was placed in front of her, allowing Miss. Jauregui to sit in front of her, and soft gentle hand soon started to run through Camila's hair.

"Are you sure? You don't seem like everything is alright.", Miss. Jauregui spoke softly again.

"It's just my burn Miss. Jauregui. It's starting to swell and hurt again, but it's f-fine you don't have to do anything about it.", Camila stuttered a bit.

"No I'll get the aloe vera don't worry.", Miss. Jauregui assured and got up from the chair to retrieve the needed treatment.

God Camila can't understand why she always gets so flustered and shy when Miss. Jauregui speaks to her is such a soft tone. She's never like this. Camila has always spoken in a clear tone, but everytime she hears that soothing raspy tone she goes weak in the legs and small butterflies form in her stomach. It was horrible! She felt so helpless and exposed. As to when Miss. Jauregui has the fire and demanding tone in her voice she feels intimidated and scared. She even fights with herself to muster up loud and coherent words when she is spoken to. It was so weird.

Camila's emotions were everywhere with the girl. Miss. Jauregui soon returns with the cooling aloe vera burn lotion, she squeezes some of the content out onto her hand, rubs it together with both of her hands, then carefully rubs it over the large burn that was highly noticeable on my arm. Camila hissed in pain as the cold content came in contact with the piercing swell of the burn. Christ did it hurt like hell.

"Easy love just breathe. Focus on the cooling content instead of the swelling pain.", Miss. Jauregui instructed softly.

Camila nodded slightly and followed to what Miss. Jauregui said. In 1, 2, 3 out 1, 2, 3 in 1, 2, 3 out 1, 2, 3. I repeated this action until all I felt was the cooling sensation of the aloe vera and none of the burning swelled up pain. Miss. Jauregui noticed and gave off the tiniest smile ever then it vanished in mere seconds that if you blinked you would've missed it. Camila would've done anything to see that moment again. To see that tiny smile spread across those lips.

If anything it seemed like she hadn't smiled in decades. It made Camila feel all weird inside when she thought about that smile. Once Miss. Jauregui was done spreading the aloe she stood up from the chair, she put away the ointment, then went to the bathroom that was inside her room to wash the extra contentment that was stuck to her hands. The burn did feel a lot better, but Camila knew tomorrow she more than likely wouldn't get to feel the coolness of the ointment on her wound.

The softness that Miss. Jauregui seemed to have only lasted for a short while. Usually she would either sleep it off or it would just be knocked right out of her. Either way she might as well enjoy the calmness while it lasted.

Before the 'Angel of Blood' returned to her aggressive, blood thirsty self once more. La misericordia es para los débiles a veces ella dice pero de momento puedo decir que ella suplica por misericordia.


A/n I know I haven't updated in forever cause I've been going through a lot but here's that long awaited chapter! Thanks for barring with me and I hope you enjoyed!

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