Chapter 17

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Camila couldn't stop panicking as she packed any helpful resources she's gonna need. She was leaving and was planning not to come back. A part of her heart started to break on how she was leaving everything she knew behind, she was leaving her father behind, and how greatly devastated he will be once he realizes she's gone. But the other part of her heart told her that this was for the best.

So she pursued with that half of her heart told her. She packed a few clothes, snacks, water, her phone, a brush, a good amount of money, and her charger. If she runs out of supplies she'll more than likely scrap up stuff or steal. Camila then checked herself in the mirror to make her seem less obvious and more calm. As she was scanning her body she laid her eyes upon her mark.

Camila couldn't go out with the mark visible... everyone would know where she's from and that would foil her plans to leave. She quickly grabbed some foundation and a beauty blender and covered the mark until it is no longer visible. She decided to pack those two items as well just in case the makeup wears off and she could easily replenish the mark.

Camila checked the time and saw that it was around 9 o'clock which was much too early everyone is still awake. She decided that 1 o'clock am she would sneak out.


The time has arrived. Camila was absolutely positive that everyone was asleep. She even somehow convinced Irene to return the favor the next night just so that way it would be more special since they would be "married". Of course she won't be anywhere near the wedding.

Camila grabbed her plastic bag full of her things and slowly opened her door. If there was one skill that Camila knows she was expert on was sneaking out. Ever since Camila was younger she would find sneaky ways to escape her parents to go outside and play with the pretty blue butterflies that always flew around the base.

Camila looked both ways to make sure coast is clear than she tiptoed through the halls silently. It was an extremely good thing that the floors weren't made of wood. Camila then climbed a ladder to go to the second floor and careful scurried past rooms where members were sleeping. Camila looked everywhere for windows, which were very hard to find in the base, so she could simply just open it and run free.

Camila did eventually find one, but it just had to be right next to her dad's room. She took a deep breath and slowly maneuvered to the window.

"Shit", Camila said under her breath.

The window was completely sealed shut. There was no way of sliding it open. Camila started to panic and there was no way she could turn back now she has come to far already. There was only one thing she could do if she really really wants to leave.

She had to smash through the window.

Camila took a deep breath and looked out the window for her surroundings. There was another roof that she could easily land on; she could escape from there. She backed herself all the way to end of the hallway and looked straight at the window. So many voices were running through Camila's mind as she positioned herself for running.

She had to be strong and fight the voices that were trying to convince her not to do this. She breathed in and out then ran as fast as she could, with her bag in hands, towards the window. Camila then leaped forward, smashing right through the window, then latched on for dear life onto the other roof.

Alarms and sirens can be heard mercilessly going off throughout the base and people were up in a snap to see what the problem was. Camila quickly go on top of the roof and ran away, not once looking back.

She kept running and running and running. Camila's adrenaline was high and bursting with extra energy as she ran as far away from the base as possible. She ended up resting in an ally in the deeper parts of the Hood. A bunch of thieves and small groups of gang members left the ally just to stay out of Camila's way.

Camila slid her back down the wall and plopped down on the floor tiredly. Her feet started to throb uncontrollably from all the running she did. Camila didn't recognize her surroundings at all. This part of the Hood looked worse than what she was used to seeing. There was even more trash, buildings were either close to being completely destroyed or turned to ash, there was a lot of dead bodies that looked like they were victims of starvation, and a shit load of rats.

The foul smell stung Camila's nose, but she was much too tired to move anywhere else. She decided that should would sleep in this ally for tonight then in the morning she can set out somewhere else. Camila got out an old sweatshirt her mother gave her when she was little, that of course at the time was much too big, and put it on. Then she used her stuffed plastic bag as a pillow.

She laid down and looked up at the stars that plastered the beautiful night sky. She smiled softly as she become mesmerized at the little tiny dots. It really calmed her down, it even calmed down the throbbing of her feet and the nagging voices in her head.

Camila yawned tiredly and fell asleep under the stars.


When Camila woke up the next morning everything felt different. She didn't wake up in her bed, she didn't step out her room to see the base hustling with action, she didn't stop by her dad's office to say hello, or she wasn't being smothered in kisses from Irene. She was on her own now. She was all alone. She couldn't feel anymore happier.

Camila grabbed her bag from the floor as she stood up and started to walk to a more familiar area of the Hood. It was very weird for Camila. She never went out anymore every since the stupid alliance and Irene. It felt good though. She could do what she wanted to do now. Camila quickly checked to see if her mark was still covered.

"Perfect.", she said to herself as she saw her mark still completely covered.

She continued on her walk, making sure to stay as far away as possible from any mafia territory, especially the Jauregui's territory.

"Lost pretty girl?", a deep voice said.

"No.", Camila simply responded.

"Strange to see someone like you all by yourself. Are you heading to the prostitution house?", the deep voice asked again.

"Uh no... I'm just walking. Got a problem with that?", Camila snapped.

The deep voice chuckled softly "You're a feisty one and no I don't have a problem with that."

"Who are you?", Camila asked.

"My name is Christan Grey.", the voice said and a very handsome man appeared from the shadows of an ally. "And who are you may I ask?"

"I'm Ca-Karla.", Camila answered with her initial first name.

"Karla huh? That's a nice name.", Christan smiled.

"Thank you.", Camila smiled softly back.

"Well wherever you're headed to I hope you get there safely. Wouldn't want a pretty face like that getting into the wrong hands.", Christan smirked playfully.

"Oh wouldn't want that now", Camila giggled.

"I'll see you around Karla.", Christan said.

"See you around Christan.", Camila responded.

The two exchanged small waves goodbye and both went opposite ways. That moment made Camila smile brightly. She never expected to run into someone so sweet and polite in this kind of area. It was nice.

Camila continued to walk aimlessly through the Hood, keeping her guard up, and making sure she isn't being watched or followed. She lost track of how long or far she's been walking, but it's been a long while. Camila ate a few snacks and drank half of her water. She knew she needed to get resources... and quickly.

Camila kept walking until she saw in the distance the local city. Camila doesn't know much about the city, only the fact that Regulars live there. She's always been very curious about the city and now since she can make her own decision she decided to go.

"This will be interesting", Camila said and headed down the path to the city.

Assassin with a Heart//Camren//Where stories live. Discover now