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Eragon met Ely in the gym, early. "So, how was dinner?" Ely sat up and looked at Eragon with a sarcastic expression. Eragon nodded. "You knew he was going to hit you."

Ely walked to the locker room, showered off and got dressed in his uniform. Eragon was already waiting on a bench. Ely sighed. "Let's go arrest someone." He walked out and got into the car.

Eragon sighed. "So, I guess dinner didn't go well." He said that to no one and walked out to the car to arrest someone.

Darwin started his day early. He opened the shop and sighed as he began his routine. Make coffee and get machines turned on. He tried to forget everything and just worked.

He stocked muffins, bagels, and donuts. He was working a double just to stay busy. Some of the regulars asked about his black eye and he changed the story each time. It got more grandiose and entertaining.

Marsha Ettes watched him. She was his business partner and she did the finances. "So, what happened?" She watched Darwin and knew he never told the real story. She remember him when he was younger. He was always in love with Ely.

Darwin glared. "Don't ask, please."

Marsha nodded. "Okay, the eye was off limits." She was curious now.

The door opened and two police officers walked in. A very reluctant Ely was being dragged by Eragon. Eragon smiled. "Hey, Darwin. How are things?"

Darwin smiled at Eragon. He liked him. "Uh, great. Pets aren't allowed inside, Officer." He looked at Ely and his black eye and a bruised jaw. He was still hot.

Ely nodded and walked out. He waited in the car. He had no interest in seeing Darwin. He knew it was a mistake to move back and he was kicking himself. This was his fault for never dealing with the suicide attempt when it happened. He ran from it and now he is paying.

Darwin sighed as Ely walked out. He hated this but he had no idea what to do. He didn't know how he was supposed to feel. He was still very angry and hurt. It still hurt. He didn't know if an apology could fix it.

Eragon watched Darwin. "Why are you two like this?"

Marsha gasped. "Oh, I see the other half of the black eye. Ask him out already!" She elbowed Darwin.

Darwin glared at Marsha. "Shut up, Marsha." He wasn't amused. "That wasn't what this was about. It's more complicated than some romantic feelings."

Marsha laughed. "Grown men afraid to admit that they are in love, that's what this is!" She walked off before Darwin could say another word.

"If she says that again, I will go to jail for punching a woman!" Darwin knew she heard him.

Eragon wasn't touching this conversation. "So, can I get whatever the special is and a black coffee."

Darwin sighed. He made the special. "Is this for him?" Eragon nodded. Darwin spit in it and put the lid on. He set it on the counter.

"Infantile." Eragon sighed. This was normal for them.

Darwin smiled. "Gratifying."

Eragon tipped Darwin and left. "Thanks." He was in the car and handed Ely his coffee.

Ely took it. "He spit in it." It wasn't a question.

Eragon smiled. "Of course."

Ely just sipped it. He deserved a lot worse.

"You two need to talk, Ely."

Ely laughed. "One day in hell, we will talk." He sighed. "Until then, I'm staying away from him. Did you pay with my cash?"

Eragon nodded.

"You left a tip?"

"Ely, yes. Seven dollars for the coffee and a thirteen dollar tip." Eragon sighed.

Ely smiled. "Good. Thanks for doing that."

"Why do you do that, Ely?" Eragon was curious. This was every morning.


Eragon nodded. "You are not passive-aggressive. You love him, huh?"

"If you ever say that again, they will never find your body!" Ely glared at his partner and friend. He sipped his drink. Darwin made a very tasty coffee.

Eragon nodded. He knew he was right and Marsha knew it too. These guys needed more time to figure it out and they were both very stubborn. The shift was quiet, just a couple of traffic violations and a probation violation. The good stuff usually happened at night.

Ely stayed after his shift and worked out for three hours. He had some aggression to work through. The days past the same. Ely drank the coffees that Darwin spit in and he paid for it, happily. He stayed away and turned down dinner with Hillary and his dad, twice. He knew that Darwin would be there and he just couldn't.

Darwin was at dinner with his mom and Dennis. He knew Ely wouldn't come. Hillary said she tried but he refused and didn't even try to give a reason. They all knew the reason. She hated that he was beating himself up so badly and told Darwin as much.

"Darwin, let Ely off a little. He is beating himself up enough for you too!" Hillary sighed.

"Are you taking his side?" Darwin glared. "I didn't come to dinner to discuss him." He really didn't want to say his name even. "Don't start, there is nothing you can say."

Hillary watched her stubborn son. "Darwin. He didn't die. You know you are wasting years. He is here. Talk to him."

"Mom, no. What can I say? I didn't do anything wrong." Darwin hated this conversation.

"But you are now!" Hillary was frustrated. "Marsha said you don't allow him in your shop!"

Darwin smiled. "Nope. I spit in his coffee too!"

Hillary gasped. "No, you don't!"

"I do too!"

"He apologized, Darwin!" Hillary was worried about them.

"I know. I heard it. I'm still hurt. I have nightmares about it. I see it all the time. Sometimes, he dies in my dreams. I have mourned his death. How can he fix that?" Darwin was almost hysterical.

Hillary nodded. "You can let him try, Darwin."

Darwin wiped his face. "It's impossible."

Hillary smiled. She saw a little hope. "He said the same thing."

Darwin nodded. "He's right."

Dennis was at the door. "Something you have in common." He hugged Darwin. He never expressed his opinion. It wouldn't do any good. These two were stubborn to a fault!

Hillary smiled. "We are having an end of summer party here on Saturday. You are coming, bring a dessert."

Darwin sighed. "I have to come and He gets to stay away? Not fair!"

"Oh, Ely is coming if we have to drag him by his hair." Dennis smiled. "He is bringing a side."

"Great. Saturday, what time?" Darwin sighed.

"One PM. At dark we are showing a movie poolside. Oh, bring a chair." Hillary smiled. She was really worried about her children.

"I hope to be passed out by then!" Darwin sighed.

Dennis laughed. "Ely said the very same thing, word for word. Funny." They were so much alike.

Darwin glared and walked out.

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