Chapter 6

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"Hey, Makuu! Wake up! Talib came back with Rafiki, and they have a remedy for your infection!"

Makuu immediately opened his eyes and shot his head right out of the water as soon as he heard the news, which he was so excited by that he didn't even notice that Masika was the one who had woken him.

"Whoa! Okay, someone's certainly energized and ready to go," Masika exclaimed.

"Is it true?" Makuu asked. "What you said about the cure, I mean."

"Yes. Now come on, you lazy crocodile, move it!"

"Who are you calling lazy? You just saw me burst wide awake."

"Yeah, well, just be happy that I didn't wake you up the other kind of way."

The crocodiles smiled at each other. They both swam over to the water's edge. On the bank, Makuu saw not only Rafiki and Talib, but Simba and Nala as well.

{The King and Queen? Why are they here? Guess I'll find out soon.}

Once Makuu reached the shoreline, Rafiki motioned his hand towards him, obviously wanting him to get out of the water so that he and Talib can work on his shoulder. Makuu climbed out of the water as carefully as possible, making sure not to walk on his injured leg. He limped forward, away from the water, before lying down on the ground, facing his leaders, so that he could talk to them while Rafiki and Talib worked on the infection.

"Not to be rude, your majesties, but why are you here, and not doing something else, somewhere else? Don't you have more important matters to attend to?"

"Oh, so I shouldn't care about the well-being of those under my rule, especially the leaders?" Simba responded.

"I didn't exactly say that," Makuu replied.

"It's okay, Makuu. I can let it slide, this time, because from what I understand, you have been having a pretty rough time of it."

"Glad you noticed."

"Okay, how about we talk about something else, you know, before a fight breaks out?" Nala interrupted, desperately trying to change the subject. "Anyway, Kion told us about the new arrivals that are staying with your float for their visit, and we wanted to meet them."

{Of course Kion told his parents about Masika and Talib. I should have expected that, and I should have expected this.}

"Yes...well...the female is Masika and the bird is Talib," Makuu introduced. "They come from far away, and I think they're planning on staying for a while. That is, of course, assuming you wouldn't mind."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you two, and stay as long as you need to, but please try not to cause too much trouble," Simba said.


It nearly startled everyone when Rafiki and Talib yelled in unison. Talib flew over to Masika, while Rafiki placed himself between Makuu and the Royals.

"Will he be alright, Rafiki?" Nala asked.

"Yes, yes, he will be fine, so long as he doesn't do anything stupid and harm it even further," Rafiki answered, and then out of nowhere, slammed his wooden staff on top of Makuu's head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Makuu snapped.

"For making stupid decisions, and not realizing the obvious when it is right in front of you."

"Don't worry, Makuu, you'll get used to it, eventually," Simba chuckled before leaving with Nala.

"Okay, I understand the first part, but what in the world does the second part have to do with anything?" Makuu asked.

"Trust me, crocodile, I can see it. Your heart wants something that you might need, but at the moment, do not know how to get," Rafiki whispered, pointing his staff towards Masika before his own departure.

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