Chapter 19

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Back at the clearing... 

After the day's surprise events, everything seemed to be calming down. Makuu watched from his place in the cave as the sun began to sink below the horizon. After all, what else could he do, with him being severely injured and surrounded by an entire float of psychos? When Makuu left this morning with Talib to find out what was going on with Zaire, he never expected that something like this would happen. Makuu could only imagine how the others would have reacted to the news, assuming Talib told them.

"Come on, Zuberi, is that all you got?"

"You're faster than me, Adisa! It's so not fair!"

"Life isn't fair. Cut the chit-chat you two and get back to sparring."

Makuu turned his attention away from the setting sun to watch Tuma train his sons. After showing the boys a few moves, Tuma had them face each other in a practice duel. While Makuu watched the brothers fight, he noticed that despite Zuberi's tougher build, Adisa was able to get the upper claw with his more flexible form.

{I guess being big and strong doesn't matter to Crescent Valley crocodiles when they have speed and stamina on their side.}

"Enjoying yourself much?"

The question startled Makuu. His visitor was Nneka.

"Just trying to pass the time is all," Makuu growled. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"You're certainly a fiesty one," Nneka commented.

Nneka dismissed the guards and Jaz before joining Makuu in the river.

"I hope you don't mind my presence. I did say that we could talk, but only after I got everything that I needed to get settled taken care of. That unfortunately included another talk with my sister, who definitely ignored me the entire time. Speaking of negative blood relations, you and Kiburi wouldn't happen to be related?"

"Why do you want to know?" Makuu questioned.

"I'm just curious is all," Nneka simply answered. "I love trying to figure out why creatures are the way that they are."

Makuu was hesitant about answering before saying anything.

"Yeah, we're related."

"How, exactly? Brothers? Cousins? Half-siblings?"

At the mention of the term "half-siblings", Makuu knew he must have given off some sort of reaction, because all he could hear was silence before Nneka snickered in amusement.

"Half-siblings. I already guessed that, but I really wanted to see what your reaction would be."

"Great. Now that you know that Kiburi and I are related, is there anything else about me that you want to know?"

"Calm down, Makuu. Your life story isn't exactly my top priority at the moment."

"Which would be what, exactly?"

A long silence followed, Makuu's and Nneka's eyes locked onto each other. Nneka broke eye contact and swam further into the cave, away from the outside world. Makuu didn't feel comfortable following her, but he did so anyway. This time, he's not ignoring his curiosity.

"Okay, what do you have to tell me that couldn't even be discussed around your own float?" Makuu asked.

"To tell you why I'm here," Nneka hissed. "And my reason for being here is because I need to eliminate a major threat that could destroy my float, as well as every other living crocodile float in existence."

"And what is this 'major threat' supposed to be?"

"You should be asking 'who' is the major threat."

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