Chapter 45

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Cold As Stone | Kaskade

I gulped as he said that. Did he really mean it? Because somethings wrong with my chest and I can't breathe well.

Do I have asthma? I need to check to know. But I was a runner so probably not. But he can't. There is no way. I'm Muslim and it's wrong to date!

Or is it?

" can't,"I whisper and turned to him with a sigh.

"You c...can't love me. I-."I close my eyes as he raised his hand making me flinch.

He's lying. He's acting. No one likes you.

I couldn't feel anything. Did he not hit me? I felt a hand on my head and peak my eyed open.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?"I gulped and he sighed patting my head.

"I would never hurt you. I wouldn't hurt someone I love. Not even pull a single thread of hair on your head."I looked down and bit my lip.

Why is he doing this? Why is he making it hard? Why is it so difficult? What are you doing to my body?

I'm trembling, my stomach is feeling weirder and weirder every second. And my breath, Seriously I can't take a breath.

"Why not? You can't give me the right to tell me where my heart belongs."I held my hands together.

Do I really like him? I sometimes feel something but it depends. I just don't want to break his heart or make it feel awkward for us.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just
wanted to tell you that before the plan fails."I nod not even saying anything.

What am I supposed to say? How do I feel? I mean I'm scared.

You will die alone. And happy that way.

" can talk to my father in the morning. He doesn't have work."I said and he sighed nodding.

"I'm going to go."I stare at him walk away and feel some pain.

Why is this happening?

"Wait. I need to ask you something."I told him and he turned to me.

"Why do I feel these things. It's weird and freaks me out."I said and he stared at me.

"You want to explain to me?"I gulped and point at him.

"Come closer."

He came closer to me and I still felt it more and more stronger. When he left it was empty.

"I don't know what's going on?"I asked him and he smiled.

"What do you fell exactly?"He asked and I looked at him confused.


"SARA! COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"I looked at Jin and he sighed with a sad smile.

"Do you want to talk about it tomorrow?"I nod and he kissed my forehead.

What was that? I swear these things I'm feeling are weird. I mean I don't think I'm feeling normal. It's like I'm getting sick, but in a good way?

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Good night."I nod and let me leave while I open the door to go downstairs.

I saw my mother sitting on the couch of the living room and far away from my father on the love seat.

"Now what happened during dinner--."My father cut her off.

"Go finish what you were eating. I warmed up your food."I stare at my father as my mother glared at her.

"I'm not hungry. It's okay."I said and sat down on the other loveseat.

"I'm going to say this once. You don't have the right to yell at me. I gave birth to you! Carried you and your yelling at me!"I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Mother....ever since you got a job you think you've gotten superior. Yeah, that's great for everything else. But at home. It's not how we are used to. It's best if you don't do anything and stop like your the man of the house! There is no title on this house!"I said as she stared at me.

"Yeah, father has the title but we sleep here, eat here and do everything else in this house. It doesn't mean it just belongs to you and I'll listen to whatever you say when it comes out of your mouth."I told her as her eyes widen.

"It's wrong for me to talk back at my guardian and wrong for me to be here explaining. But I am telling the truth."

You're a liar.

"Allah never said you should try and force someone to doing something they wouldn't want to do. Don't think of yourself as more wealthy and powerful than others. You should use that power and wealth for others not for what you've been doing."I said and she looked at my father.

"It would be best if you could just leave me alone and don't bug me while I'm working. If you're committed to doing things that are different. It doesn't just belong to you but at the household itself so nobody would be disrespected."I said feeling a proud side from my father and both their guilt.

"I'm going to go. I don't want to deal with the Madness that's going on. But you should start praying again. You've gotten away from Allah and it's not going to be my fault because you left your deen for Dunya. And forget who we belong to."I said getting up and walking away from the area.

"She's more educated than us."I heard a sigh from my father as he groaned.

Your dumb, ugly and stupid. Everything would be fine without you!

"I guess she grew up doing that all herself. We stopped talking to her after she turned five."

I walked up the stairs and saw my brother Hamid smiling holding a bunch of sodas. My eyes widen.

My brother has a soda addiction. It's bad because one time he drank more than a few and had a few problems with his digestive systems. And his urinary system.

"Give me the bottles of soda, now. Or I'll dump them into the toilet. I know everyone hiding spot."He pouted and handed me the bottles.

"Take one."I pulled it off its strap and gave it to him while he smiled.

He ran off, back into the room smiling. I go put this in my room by the cool wall. The wind or warm arm would get into the small plugs on the wall so it gets really cold that it's a freezer.

I stretched and yawn. I went to the bathroom to do my normal routine. Brush teeth and wash my face. Put a moisturizer and into my room. I laid my body down on my bed feeling numb and tired.

No one will care.

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