A New Start

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I knocked on his door. I waited for a few seconds before he answered. He was a few inches taller than me, I was 5ft 8 so it made him around maybe 6ft. He had ruffled chocolate brown hair with sapphire blue eyes, his skin was had only a hint of colour to it. He was in a red t-shirt with dark brown jeans, he was also bare foot as always.

"Hey red." he gave me a welcoming hug,

"hey Mason. I was wondering if you wanted to go to that place down the road. Taste buds?" I asked,

"um sure let me just get my converse on." I came in as he ran to his room to get them.

"So got any new photos of The red Thistle?" he worked as a photographer for the Glasgow express but all they wanted him to do was to get super me in action.

" Only one. Seems like she's made new friends." I looked over at his desk and saw the photo. Not half bad. You can see the front of Steve and Stark but you can only see the back of me.

"Hey how is the police work going?" he doesn't know I'm the red thistle, he just thinks I work at the station.

"yeah that's going fine actually I have some great news but I'll tell you when we're at Taste buds." I told him, he gave me puppy dog eyes then we left.

As we sat in our booth with our toastiesI looked up at Mason who was tucking into his ham & cheese toastie.

I took a sip from my coffee,

"So do you want to hear my news?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Well they do this thing at work when we do an exchange program and I have been asked to take part."

"Really? That's amazing so where you going? London? Edinburgh?" he started,

"New York." he dropped his toastie half.

"N-New Y-York?" he stumbled, I nodded.

"How long will you be there?" he asked,

"I I don't know." I replied,

"This is brilliant! So when do you go?" he asked, I gave a sigh.

"Tonight." he finished his toastie,

"Then we have no time to lose! Come on I'll help you pack." we paid then left. He is taking this much better than I thought. I'd known him since I was 13 and we have been inseparable since. When we got to my flat I told him to gave my books from the living room so I could pack my super suit without him seeing. I then placed the books in my wardrobe. It took around three hours to pack everything, as I rolled my suitcase out to my living room he stood at my desk, it was a fairly normal desk. It had a small drawer und the left hand side of the surface, had a a4 folder that was tightly pack with my somewhat "diary entries" the only thing that looked out of place on it was my type writer. I know i know there extremely old and no one uses them anymore but I cant help but love it. I type out my entries on it which makes me also forget the world outside.

"Are you taking this?" he points at it,

"No." it pains me not to take it with me but it's too big to take all the way to New York.

"Do you want me to put the lid on it?" pointing to the hollow shell under my desk that I usluly place on top of it when out,

"No. No I'll do it before I leave." I looked up at the clock. 4:30.

"I better freshen up before I go." I tell him,

"So this is goodbye." he asks, I give him a sad smile.

"It only for a while." I reply, I give him a tight hug. I really will miss him,

"I'll be right here when you come back." he tells me,

"You'll be the first person to know." with that he left.

6 o'clock . I'm waiting at my desk for Stark and Steve to come get me. I'm in a green 30's styled dress with a pair of brown ballet flats on with a navy blazer on top. If I need to I can shapeshifted into the red thistle, I stare at my typewriter aimlessly. The knock at the door made me jump, I walked over and opened it. There stood Steve in a checked shirt, brown trousers with a brown leather jacket over the shirt.

"Ready?" he asked,

"Yip." I moved to the side so he could come in, I have a massive rucksack and a suitcase for going. He took the handle of my suitcase.

"Everything sorted then?"

"I have one last thing to do." I walked over to my desk, as I lifted the case I felt him staring at me.

"I know not exactly a holographic iPad but it I like the sound and feel of a typewriter." I told him.

"I not much of a fan to the pad thing either." he told me, I gave smiled to myself as I placed the case on.

"I'll be back soon." I whispered to it. I turned on my heel, picked up my rucksack then followed Steve out my flat. Instead of going down stairs he headed up.

"Where are we going?" I asked him,

"To the roof."

"Why?" he turned and grinned,

"our ride is up there." as I followed him out the top floor door to the flat roof I saw what he meant by ride. It was a massive helicopter.

"Now that's a ride." I exclaimed, he gave a laugh then headed inside the copter. I took a deep breath. Time to start my new life.

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