Final Footage

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He seemed troubled by something. Maybe I shouldn't bother him, I went to go back down the leader when he turned round. He jumped slightly, 

"Sorry I I didn't see you there." he said, 

"It's ok I'm just going anyway." I told him, 

"No don't go." he pleaded,  

"I mean you don't have to go if you don't want to." he corrected, I came back onto the roof. I noticed then that the sun had setted and the moon was beginning to appear. I walked up and stood beside him. 

"So two days till your mission." he began, I nodded. 

"Yip we'll finally get to know what Loki is up to." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, 

"Is everything ok?" I asked, he looked at me. 

"Hm? Oh yeah everything is fine." he told me, 

"you sure?" 

"Well...." he began, I faced him. 

"Yes...?" he sighed, 

"You know why I kissed you yes?" he asked, my stomach fell to the floor. 

"Yeah." I said quietly, it was only for training. 

"Oh good that's great I hope......" he stopped midsentance and looked straight at me. 

"Wait. Why do you think I did it?" he asked, I felt my face burn. 

"For- for t-the training of course." I answered, his eyes saddened when I said this. 

"Yeah. That's why I did it." he whispered, he turned to go back down the stairs by I stopped him. 

"Wait did you kiss me because." I stopped myself. His eyes said everything, he really did like me. Like like me like me. 

"I did. Look Melody I think your a beautiful dame I mean superhero I mean woman. " he stumbled, it was really cute. You could see he was mentally kicking myself by saying it, I took one of his hands in mine. 

"I think you are one of the greatest people I know. I think you are the handsomest man I've ever seen." I spoke from the heart as I said this. He wrapped his arms around me, I kissed him then. It was slow and tender but every part of my body was giving off fireworks inside me. When we pulled away we lent our foreheads together, 

"What ever happens on Loki's ship I will be here making sure your safe." he whispered,  

"What ever happens I'll not give in to Loki. I have something more to fight for now." I told him, a small tear escaped his eye, I gently wiped it away. I felt a tear also escape my eye, we finally pulled out of the hug and went down the leader we interlocked our hands and slowly walked along to our rooms.  When we stopped outside my room I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"I need to go. Got to keep my energy up." I gave him a rough kiss good night then went into my room. I gave a little twirl then landed on my bed. Wait I twirled? I haven't done that since before my accident! Things must be looking up for me even if I'm about to board a ship that has a crazy Demi god on it who is trying to take over the world! 

I slept peacefully which was the first time since coming here. When I awoke I changed into a black catsuit then headed to the control room to get my mission details. As I pasted the lab I over hear Stark and Bruce, 

"Are you sure Melody will be save?" I heard Bruce ask, 

"Bruce she's 20 not 10 and anyway you saw her yesterday she is a natural."  

"but what if Loki finds out its her. He'll use her to make clones .She'll become a lab rat." I felt a pain of panic in my back. I will not be one again, I will NEVER be a lab rat again. 

"Will you relax. If she was in any real danger then Fury wouldnt be sending her." I relaxed only a little, 

"I don't know. Something seems off about all this." I flew away then so they wouldn't hear my footsteps, as I came to the corner I flew straight into Thor, I fell onto my backside. 

"ow. Hey Thor." I looked up to him, he smiled down at me. 

"ah Melody I see you have a new glow about you. Did you tell him?"He asked, I nodded. 

"What was his reply?" a smile danced across my lips, 

"he felt the same." I replied, he gave a laugh. 

"well I'm glad everything worked out."  

"Yeah I need to go but thanks for the advice." I gave him a hug then ran all to the control room where Natasha, Clint and Fury were all waiting for me. 

"you got my final details Fury?" I asked, he was holding one of the wired holographic iPads, I sat down at the table as he gave me it, I opened it and saw many photos and videos of this Charlotte with Loki. She seems close to him.

"So what is her status with him?" I asked, Clint and Natasha looked at each other.

"Well?" I asked,

"They are......closer than friends." Natasha replied, Fury pressed something on my screen which displyed a video. I looked at him then clicked play. It was security footage, she was going through some files. I saw him come in and wrapped his arms around the back of her, she gave a soft smile then looked up at him. He said something to her that I didn't hear ( there was no sound to the footage) I watched closly as the two looked like to be flirting. The final part of the footage was the part I'm now extremely worried about. They had kissed. Not a gentle tender kiss but a firey passionate one! This is not good.

"I-I-I'm meant to be in love w-w-with Loki?" I stuttered,

"If you are not to be discovered then yes." answered Natasha, Oh god. Steve walked in then to make everything better. I sat the iPad down on the table. He came and sat next to me, he took my hand in his under the table. I gently pulled it away, He gave a questioning look that nearly broke my heart to see. I clicked played on the footage and let him watch it, I watched him carefully as the footage played on. When they kissed I saw his face turn white, he looked at me with eyes with dread.

"So you....." I nodded, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Well then we better make sure you know everything about this.......relationship." He left then, I wanted to follow after him but then people would think something was up.

"Fury may I take this to study over?" I asked,

"Yes." I got up to leave,

"Oh and Melody." I turned back round,


"Meet on the deck at 0400 hours." With that I left. As soon as I knew I was out of sight I ran down the hall in hope of finding Steve but I didn't know where he had gone. Should I find him? Maybe he wants to be alone. He seemed annoyed and upset at the footage. I couldn't think. I decided I would go to the lab.

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