An even deeper pain

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Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. They blended into one. I was numb, I would go everyday to the other room and test my powers, eat, then sleep. My powers are now super speed, super strength, shapeshifting, getting other things to shapeshift and water bending. Throughout my time here not once has Loki or Mason seen me.

Today I awoke to see a pair of sliver striped heels, a pack of cribby grips, a hairbrush, hairspray and a long green gown. what the heck is all this? I heard the door unlock again. This time Loki and Dr.Stein were standing with...with....Steve?

"Steve?" He nodded, he looked exactly the same. I ran to him and hugged him. I didn't care that Loki and Dr.Stein was there. He hugged me tightly then pulled me out of the embrace quickly, his eyes were as hard as stone.

"What's wrong.....Steve? Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked, he sighed.

"Of course I am but....."


"Look at you.You've became more animal than human! Your not the girl I remember." No he can't be saying this.

"No....No....Steve please. Don't do this." I begged, I placed my hands on his shoulders but he shrugged them off. Tears came to my eyes,

"Your better off here Melody. Good bye." He went to leave,

"No...NO! STEVE DON'T !"I shouted he stopped and looked back,

"how can I love a monster?" he walked out, I went to go after him but Dr.Stein grabbed me by the forearms, I tried and tried to pull away towards him but I couldn't.

"He's left you Miss Thistle." He whispered in my ear, he pulled me into my cell. I smacked the wall farest from the door,

"I'm sorry my dear." Loki soothed, he tried to squeeze my shoulder but I jumped away.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, he stood his ground.

"Maybe it's time for you to rethink your position with us." Dr.Stein suggested. WHAT?!

"Imagine Melody. If you join us then Steve will see that you are more than an animal. See you like we see you. A beauitful misunderstood creature." Loki soothed, maybe he's right.

"He is right Miss Thistle. Join us and together the world will be ours. Steve will love you again." It sounded like a beauitful dream,

"What will I need to do?" I asked, He grinned.

"Dress in the gown after we've left. When we get to the venue we'll seek out your midgaurd president, switch appearences then you shall give a speech that we have prepared that gets you to hand over this country to me." He explained. I wiped my tears,

"Well then time to get dressed. How long do I have?" I asked,

"Three hours. I will be escourting you tonight. Till then." They both left. I cried as I did my hair. I'm betraying everything I stand for so to stay with the man I love,

Steve please forgive me.

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