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We were on the copter for around half an hour. Steve and I kept quiet on the ride both of us not really knowing what to talk about, when we landed I thought it was abit quick getting all the way to New York.

"we're in New York already?That was quick." I voiced, Steve stood up.

"We're exactly IN New York." He told me,

"Then where are we?" I asked him, the giant door opened to relveal us on some navy style launch pad in the middle of the ocean.

"Welcome to S.H.E.I.L.D helicarrier base." Oh my god. IT'S HUGE! I stared in awe at everything we passed as we made our way inside. As we entered I felt the ship start to lift into the air.

"This thing can fly?" He gave a smile,

"Yeah its pretty cool." he lead me into what I think is the main control room, there was a large round table with people sitting around it right at the door in was really only a balcony to the rest of the room. The lower half was filled with people at computers. I saw that Stark was sitting at the table,

"Hey Kido! Pretty awesome isnt it?" he asked me as I went to sit in one of the the two empty seats. Steve sat on my right and a man with messy brown hair who had a pair of glasses on sat to my left. A dark skinned man with a eye patch and a leather cape stood up,

"Thank you for joining us Miss Thistle. I am director Fury. Head of S.H.E.I.L.D and these are the avengers a team of earths mightiest heroes." he went round the table and told me everyone's names, it turns out the guy on my left is called Bruce Banner.

"You'll be wondering why you are here." Fury started,

"Yes I am. I never knew there were other superheroes around never mind a team of them." I told them,

"Well we invited you here because your file was sent to us..." he began,

"By the station I worked at. I know. I've seen the file. What is it exactly you wante for?" I asked, this is all I wanted to really know. I didn't care much for the whole speech on homeland security or whatever.

"Basically we need your powers to spy on someone." Clint told me, he got an evil eye from Fury,

"My brother poses a threat to Midguard. He wishes to rule it but we are unsure how he plans to do so." explained Thor who was holding his hammer in his hand,

"Midguard?" I asked,

"Earth." answered Natasha, Oh

"So you want me to shapeshift into a hentman or something I get as much information as I can." I finished, they all nodded,

"So what do you think?" asked Banner,

"I think if you can get me a picture of one of his lackies then I can do it easily." I answered,

"Well then Steve will take you to your room whilst we sort out the details." Fury told me, I stood up. Grabbed my rucksack then followed Steve out into the hall.

"So what do you think?" asked Steve,

"I think I'll try and stay on Furys good side." I joked,

"I know he's scary at first but he'll grow on you." he told me, he stopped outside a door with the number 46 B on it.

"Here we are." he told me, I opened the door to see a room the same size as my old bedroom. It had a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a connecting bathroom. It had pale blue walls with a white carpet and blue bedding,

"If you need anything I'm six doors down."

"Thank you Steve." with that he left, I started to unpack my stuff when I got a knock at my door. I opened it to see Stark standing outside.

"Hey Scottie we need you to come down to the lab to get a blood test be there in half an hour."

"Will do." I gave a sarcastic salute,

"And also you should maybe try training your shapeshifting. There is a gym on the second floor for that." he told me,

"Thanks will go in the morning." I then shut the door. I quickly finished unpacking then changed into jeans and a t shirt. I then headed off into the never ending halls to find the lab, after half an hour I found Stark, Banner and Steve in a room with glass walls. I also saw that they were looking at my file again only this I saw that they was video clips of Me in action,

"Knock knock." I said from the door, Stark quickly closed my file then the three of them turned to face me.

"Hey red. Ready for the blood test?" Stark asked, I nodded. I sat up on a counter as Banner got out the stuff.

I then saw the needle.

My body went tense as he took the needle out, I tried to keep my breathing slow an steady but it was impossible to do so.

"Aw little Red scared of a little needle?" Stark pouted,

"I wouldn't call that little." I hissed, the needle was huge! No way was I going to let that be suck in my arm.

"Melody look at me." Steve instructed, he was right in front of me, I looked at him.

"It'll be alright. So what do you think of the ship?" he asked, I relaxed abit. He was being so kind,

"It's massive." I told him,

"Yeah I thought so too but you'll get used to it."

"hope I do. "

"Ok that's you done." Banner told me, I looked round and saw the needle that was now full of my blood. I didn't even feel it.

"There wasn't that bad was it?" Steve asked,

"No it wasn't. Thank you Steve." I told him, he gave a smile.

"No worries." I walked out then, decided it was time to turn in. I'd had a hell of a day.

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