The ball

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Steve P.O.V

I fixed my bowtie once more, I was going to save her tonight. At long last Bruce found out where she was, She was in Seattle Washington where we had spotted Loki. We learnt that the president was to give a speech at the annual findraisier hosted there tonight, Nick got Tony, Thor and I access into the main hall as guests. Bruce was on watch with Clint and Natasha was going in as an escourt for the president,

"So capsicle remember. Don't try and show me up." Tony smiled as he fixed our hair one last time. I laughed,

"Remember the minute I find her Thor will get Loki and you will get Dr.Stein." I reminded him, he wave his hand in response.

"Don't worry about it. So your real serious about aren't you?" He asked, I smiled.

"Aaahhh. You always do that when she is mentioned. don't worry by this time tomorrow you and Red will happily be in each others arms." He joked,

"Let's hope." He met Thor in the hall,

"Ready to get your brother shakespeare?" Tony asked him,

"I am ready to take him to Asguard." He replied. Let's do this.

half an hour later

Melody's P.O.V

Dr.Stein kept a tight grip on my waist as we walked into the building. We looked as though we were a happy couple when we aren't.

"Remember the plan." He whispered, whilst smiling.

"Don't worry." I falsely smiled back. The hall was crowded, So many people. Even the first minister from Scotland in a scotland tie as always, I gripped my clutch bag tightly as we did a lap around the hall. I saw Mason who had came to patrol the surrondings in look out for the president. He gave me a cold stare then walked off, He'll never forgive me. I can't focus on that now. I must do this,

"We've spotted him." Dr. Stein whispered, I followed him along to the far end of the hall. As we walked I looked around the hall smiling and nodding to everyone we passed.I looked pass an old couple rambling on to Dr.Stein about something when I saw him.


He was in a black tuxedo and was standing with Tony. He caught my gaze, He looked from me to Dr.Stein then back again. He broke my heart yet it still melts by the sight of him. He turns his back to me so I return to the nearly finished conversation. We walked off and spoke to the president.

"Mr. President I'm very pleased to meet you." He shook both ours hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." I smiled,

"If you don't mind sure I would like to speak with you privatly sir. It's an important matter that's best discuss between us."

"If you will excuse for a moment." He said to his group. Showtime. Dr.Stein led us both to a corridor a far distance away from the hall which had a janitor cupboard in it,

"What is it you wish to speak about?" He asked,

"Your up Mame." I hesitated for a moment,

"I'm sorry." Is all I said before taking his hand in mine. I grew slightly, my skin went darker, my hair shortened. I was staring at myself, he seemed confused.

"What the...?" Dr. Stein smacked him over the head which caused him to go unconious, he dragged him into the cupboard. he then grabbed my wrist,

"I know he's here tonight. If you try anything funny then lover boy gets shot in the head." He threatened, I snatched my wrist back.

"You shouldn't man handle the president." I grabbed the speech out of my clutch, placed it in the inside pocket of the suit then threw the clutch in the cupboard.

"Let's go rule then." He followed me back into the hall. I greeted a many people possible, Tony came up to me. I could see Dr.Stein and Mason were on edge then,

"OBAMA!" He laughed, he went in for a man hug.

"Stark. It's Mel. Listen closely. Loki wants me to hand over the presidentsy to him, if I don't he'll shot Steve from back stage." I quickly whispered, As I pulled out I smiled. He smiled back.

"So big speech tonight." He said, good cover.

"Yes. Might even mention you." I joked hoping he gets the hint, he winked. Good,

"Sir it's time." Said one of the security guards behind me,

"Well Mr.Stark I must take my leave. It's SHOWTIME." I made my way to the stage. Everyone clapped as I did so, It was very wired. I saw Steve was still looking round for me. I saw Tony go over to him, he then looked straight at me.

"Thank you. Thank you. It's great to be here. Such a wonderful moment this is to have people from all round the world to be with us. In the 60's a great man had a dream that people of all races would be able to walk down the same street and take the same bus, who knew that fifty years later I would be standing before you as your first afician American president. This proves that change is good for all. A prime example of this is Mr. Anthony Stark," I began, I saw that Steve positioned himself behind the Russian prime minister so unless Loki's sniper wishes to start another war then he better not shoot.

"Anthony Stark is the best example of change being good. He's went from being the CEO of the governments leading weapon builder to being one of the few soul protectors of our planet. Why don't you come up here." he made his way to the stage whilst people clapped. I shook his hand a good bit away from the mic so no one could he what we are saying.

"Natasha is going backstage to take out the sniper watch for Steves signal when he's taken out." I nodded, Stark stood up at the podium.

"Well. I'm no captain America." the crowd laughed,

"but I have to say that its actually great to be able to say that thanks to me and the avengers I have to say that America. Earth will never have to worry about any threat of any sort again for we are earths mightiest heroes." wow he really knows how to work a room. He left the stage as the applause died down. I looked over to where Steve was, he was holding his hand up to his ear.

"Isn't he modest?" the crowd laughed, he looked up at me.

"in all my years I have to say the Mr Stark is certainly one of the best people I know. Change is something that can certainly your hole outlook on matter differant. It can turn hate into love. Saddness into happiness and war into peace." Steve pulled on his ear slightly then nodded in my direction. Guessing that's the signal for he started to suttlely make his way towards the stage.

"Votig for me once more will insure that change is certainly for the better now let's change this boring speech into a night to remember. Thank you." instead of heading back stage where I know the three of them are waiting I jumped off the stage. There were a few gasps from everyone then a gun shot was heard.


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