Please no

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I closed the door slowly,

"Melody." I knew that voice. I'd know it anywhere, the local accent of west glasgow. Please no,

I turned round. I the minute I saw his scared and confused face I had to gripped the wall for support.

It was Mason.

"Mason." I whispered, I've never seem him like this before. He was in a torn shirt with grey trousers that where torn at the hem as wellas had a pair of converse that have seen better days.

"Where the hell are we?!" He was scared. I could hear it in his voice, I walked over to the table where he lent his hands on. I sat down in the chair opposite him, his looked like he hadn't used a hair brush in weeks.

"We are safe here." I told him calmly, he didn't seem confinced,

"If we're safe then why am I being treated like a criminal? I have done nothing!" It killed me inside as he said this,

"Why have you been brought in? Did they think you'd be able to get the information out of me? I have done nothing wrong Red you have to believe me!" he pleaded,

"Mason I know you've done nothing. It's not your fault for what's happened but someone has done something to you that makes you try and kill the Red Thistle when you see her but then you forget afterward." I explained,

"But? But how?! I stand no chance against her!" he was very confused, I took his hand in mine and patted it gently.

"A terrible man called Loki is to blame. He's created her DNA and injected you with a serum that makes you have the same powers as her when you attempt to attack her." he turned white then, he shook his head in disbelief.

"T-The reason I came to New York wasn't because of an exchange program. I was brought in to go undercover in Loki's building to see what he was planning.That's when I discovered his plan which is called project Blue Thistle, if I had known you where there or were the test subject I would of got you out of there. I'm so sorry Mason." He didn't look at me. He just stayed quiet,

"Please say something." I saw him clentch his fist then unclentched it, he still didn't say anything. I looked up at his face and saw he was staring at the far away wall, after what seemed like hours of silence he sighed.

"I would like to be alone." He finally said, I gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

"I understand." I stood up then left, I was so upset and angry. I speedy walked to the room Fury was in, they were watching the footage of Mason and I. When I came in they paused it,

"Did he say anything?" Bruce asked,

"You all knew didn't you!" I shouted, they were taken aback for a moment.

"What?" asked Stark,

"You knew what Loki was planning!" I shouted,

"Miss Thistle please calm down." Fury told me,

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! My best friend has just been turned into a weapon to distory me and he doesn't even know that I'm the one he's after as well as how you knew from the very start and DID NOTHING ABOUT!" I screamed, I was shaking with anger.

"Well that answer how he knows you." I wanted to throw Stark out of the window right now,

"Mel we didn't know he was that close to you. All we knew is that he had some sort of connection to you." Natasha answered,

"We tried to get to your friend but my brother had beaten us to him." Thor told me,

"This all happened when you where there so we had to no way of contacting you without giving away your identity." Clint added, I took a deep breath.

"Can you stop the serum from working on him?" I asked Directing the question to Bruce and Stark. They looked at each other,

"We can try but without the original serum it's gonna be pretty hard." answered Bruce, I nodded.

"I don't want Mason to be like this. I want him away from here as soon as he's normal."

"Project Blue Thistle.." began Fury,

"THIS NAME IS MASON!" I snapped,

"Mason is still under observation. Until we stop Loki he can't leave." I left the room then unable to listen to anymore. Mason's life is distroied and its my fault, he's a monster like me created by Dr Frankenstein himself.


Hope you like the twist! This is when more of Mel's sensitive side is going to come out hope your liking it so far and please comment!

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