Waking up

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"Melody. Please. Wake up, you are so dear to me and seeing the footage of you in Loki's arms killed me inside, If you wake up and want to be with him then I understand just PLEASE wake up." I quite hear Steve's voice, I felt his hand in mine. My eyes slowly opened to see that I was in a hospital bed with a drip in my hand. I saw Steve with his head on the bed next to my hand. I squeezed his hand gently, he looked at my hand then slowly lifted his head to look at me.

"Hi." I whispered, His face was tear stained but his eyes were gleaming the minute I spoke.

"Melody." He whispered,I nodded. He hugged me then. I winced in pain, my back must still be bad. He pulled away in worry,

"I'm fine." I told him, A relaxed smile came to him.

"I thought....I thought you wouldn't wake." He told me,

"How long was I out?" I asked,

"Em.......four days" Oh. I took his hand in mine again. We sat in silence as he stroked his thumb across my hand,

"I heard you there." I said after a long period of silence, he blushed.

"Oh you did. Melody......"

"I choose you in a heart beat Steve." I interupted him, He was taken aback.

"W-w-what?" He stumbled, I smiled.

"Everything I did in that footage meant nothing to me, I thought of you everyday. I-I love you Steve." I confessed,

"I love you too Mel." I pushed myself forward and kissed him. I could my whole body explode in happiness, All the worry, All the hiding finally paid off. I was with the man I loved and he loved me. We pulled away gently, we both gave a small laugh in joy. He helped me slowly lay back,

"So do they know who the Blue Thistle is?" I asked,

"Oh yes. Once you were taken to the hospital ward he changed back." He?

"So was what Loki said about his memory true? That he doesn't remember what happened?" I asked, he noded.

"All he remebers is being injected with the serum and that's it."

"That doctor I had to work with. Dr Stein." I started,

"Yes? What did he do? Did he hurt you?" I gently patted his hand.

"He made me this." He understood exactly what I meant,

"I'm sorry Mel. If I knew he I would of stopped you from going." I then remebered Bruce and Stark's coversation I overheard,

"Steve. Please tell me the truth. Did S.H.E.I.L.D know what Loki was planning. Did they know he was recreating my DNA?" He looked away from me, I knew the answer.

"I want to be alone." I whispered, he looked back me and nodded,

"I understand. I'll tell the others your awake." With that he left. I realised that the wall I faced was made out of windows, I stared through them as people passed by. I must of stayed like this for a few hours whilst doctors came through, taking the drip out of my hand, checked my eyes, temperature and blood pressure. I was so lost in thought that it wasn't till Stark spoke did I realise he was in the room.

"How is the back Red?" I jumped slightly,

"OH HEY sorry didn't see you there and my back is getting better." I told him,

"Good. Well the doctors have told Fury your good to go so I've been sent to get you." He told me, ok. since I was only in a hospital gown so I shifted so I was wearing a dress when I stood up.

"Give me a minute to put something on."

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