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Its been three months since I've came here, Loki has been very close to me. Always walking me everywhere, Always holding my hand or having his arms around my waist. I had to keep thinking to myself that it was Steve not Loki so I wouldnt cringe, I also grown use to Dr Stein; I have manage to handle my fear when I'm around him but it's not till I'm in my room at night do I let myself relax. I finally found out there plan, there are recreating my DNA so they will turn their test subject into the leaders of the world so they will hand over the power to Loki. They haven't said what will happen to it if Loki's plan successes but I don't think it will be good.

As I walked along to my room I looked up at the camera that I know S.H.E.I.L.D are in control of. I felt Lokis arms lock around me.

"Hello my love." he whispered in my ear; oh no.

"Hello dear." I replied, please not be Steve watching.

"You've been playing hard to get lately deary." I raised an eyebrow,

"Have I? I never noticed." I told him seductively,

"Well if you play a little less hard then I might just show you our test subject in action." He growled in my ear. That's my ticket out of here. If I can get footage of the subject in action then I can get out of here and be back in the arms of Steve. I let a cheeky smile appear then said,

"Your move Love." I whispered, he attacked my lips with his. He pushed me into the wall, he kept kissing me till I had no breath. I looked up at the camera. If I kissed back then Steve would hate me but if I don't then I won't get the viewing so I'll never get back to S.H.E.I.L.D.

I'm sorry Steve.

I took a large breath then kissed back so hard that I was able to push myself off the wall, I kissed him like it was the last thing I'd ever do ( which it could be if I shifted back) when we both came up for breath, he was grinning from ear to ear, he stroked my cheek.

"Now dear that is how the game is played." He whispered, he soothly wrapped his right arm around my waist.

"Now to show you our test subject in action." As he lead me away I looked up at the camera with a look of apology on my face. Hopefully it will transpire as that.

He led me back to the control but this time up to the window that looks into the what I thought to be the gym, I saw that there were dummies and life size cut outs of me in the room and a door that either slides or lifts up.

"What is this?" I asked as I clicked record on my watch,

"This will show you how successful we were in rediscovering and advancing the Red Thistles DNA. This subjects powers activate when they see the Red Thistle which will cause there main objective to be the only thing on there mind." He began, I placed my hand on his shoulder so to him it looks like an act of affection but reall it's to give the camera a view of the 'gym'.

"And it's objective?" I asked, the door in the room slowly lifted.

"To distory the Red Thistle." I watched in horror as a large blue elephant smashed into the first dummy, then Turned into a blue lion as it chew to pieces the cut out and then changed into a differant animal for each dummy and cut out it distroied.

"You see my love just like the Red Thistle always turning into red coloured animals our subject turns into blue ones. Project Blue thistle if you will." I kept staring at the beast, I felt pity for it. I understand the pain it's gone through to be like this and the torment it is under.

"Does the subject remember what it has done?" I asked, he gave a sigh like a proud mum would give a child.

"Their memory is erased after each transformation. It doesn't even know they are this creature. It is like they are in a dream like state." I felt disgust grow inside towards Loki, I settled it quickly before Loki could notice. How could he turn this innocent person into such a weapon that they do not even get given a bit of respect to even know what it now is!

"Isn't it beautiful my love?" he asked me. I wanted to tell him he was a monster so badly.

"It is more than beautiful my love." I answered,I need to help this poor creature. We watched as it went back through the door which it came. I then left Loki to go to the lab.

I read through every file they had on project Blue Thistle and found nothing on who it was but everything else from their DNA design to how they are control by Loki and Dr Stein, I looked through also their files on me. They don't know my true identity which is good but everything else they know. From my DNA to my powers to my connections with S.H.E.I.L.D, they still think I'm on the helicarrier as we speak.

"I see you are researching Doctor." I gave a small shiver as I heard Dr Steins voice, I kept staring at the screen.

"Quite." I replied, I heard him walk over to where I sat.

"I also see the way you look at me in awe." he whispered in my ear.

"Awe and disgust are two of the same." I replied, he spun me round and grabbed my wrist.

"Tell me why I shouldnt hurt you? I have the strength of 2 apes which is 20 men!" he hissed, I snatched my wrist from his grasp.

"It is not me you need be afraid of but Loki."

That Demi god? HA! Don't make me laugh Charlotte. He may seem all great and knowing but he is a poor idiot. Once project Blue Thistle is active I will rid my self of that Loki I rule earth myself so you may either be with me or against me." he hissed,

"Is that a threat?"

"That is a promise!" I went to leave the room he grabbed my forearms, I pushed him into the wall then grabbed his arms and flung him across the lab. I fled from the room before more could be said. I could I blown my cover back there. It was too close for comfort. Tomorrow I will leave for S.H.E.I.L.D. I just have to get through tonight then I'm free, I can be my true self once more. I looked at y watch and saw it was still recording. I pressed the stop button then went to bed since it was 10 oclock by this point.

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