Hulk and Mason

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I heard two giants running loose above me but I couldn't move. My body was in shock,

"Melody!" I heard Steve shout from a distance. I didn't say anything,

"Melody!" it was closer.

"Steve?" it was barely audible,

"Melody!" I felt strong arms wrap around me, I turned my head slowly to see Steve hugging me tight. He then took my face in his hands,

"We have to move. Both Mason and Bruce have changed. We have a raging hulk and transforming beast running loose." I didn't reply,

"Mel didn't you hear me?" I slowly stood up, he grabbed my forearm.

"Your friend is trying to kill you we need to get you somewhere safe." I gently pulled my self away then began walking in the direction of the noise. With each step I took I got faster and faster till I was going as fast as the speed of sound, I saw that I was heading to the gym they had here. I threw the double doors open to see a massive green man who I know as Bruce throwing Thor into the opposite wall. I felt my gorilla like anger fill me,

"HEY HULK!" I screamed, both Thor and Hulk turned their heads.

"MELODY GO FIND STEVE!" shouted Thor but I kept my focus on the green giant that stared back at me.

I slowly walked into the hall whilst shape shifting into looking like the Hulk that was before me.

"Let's see if you can take on someone your own size." I growled, he punched me in the chest. I stumbled a few steps then regained my balance. I caught him in the jaw then tossed him over my shoulder, he went into the same wall he had thrown Thor into, he gave a roar. I roared back, he came at me but I flipped him over my back and slammed him into the floor. He tried to get up but I held him down with one hand on his chest,

"ENOUGH!" I shouted, I stared straight into his eyes. I watched as the rage slowly escaped his eyes and he slowly changed back to his normal Bruce self. As this happened I also let myself shift back at the same speed as him, Once he was himself I slowly lifted my hand from his chest.

"Thanks." He panted, I nodded in response.

"MEL!" I heard Steve shouted from behind me, I turned and embraced his hug he was running to give me.

"I'm sorry Steve I just...." I started but he just gently stroked my hair,

"It's ok you did the right thing." He soothed, I kept hugging him. I heard another roar in the distance, I looked over at the doors. I heard it again this time everyone did,

"Get.....Melody......out." I heard Bruce say from behind me, I pulled out of Steve's embrace. Another roar came echoing down the hall, I then saw it. The raging beast that was my best friend running towards us,

"Melody. Fly, run whatever just get away from here." Bruce begged. I kept my focus on the what I now can see is a blue lion coming straight at us,

"MASON!" I shouted, he faultered slightly but kept running at us. This gave me an idea, I started to walk forward, Steve grabbed my arm.

"Trust me." I said without looking at him, he hesatated for a moment then let go. I walked forward once more, I closed my eyes and waited with my arms out. I heard another roar then felt his claws dig into my arms, I didn't scream. The weight of him made me fall to the floor, the pain shot through me. I opened my eyes and stared into his blood red eyes,

"Mason." I whispered, He still looked angry. He roared in my face,

"This isn't you." I calmly said, He looked confused for a moment. I kept staring into his eyes.

"Don't Steve he will only hurt her more." I heard Thor shout, I saw that his eyes slowly became blue again,

"Mel?" He asked, I gently nodded. He began to shapeshift back to himself, He backed away from me. I dropped my head back in releif, he's back to himself. Steve picked me up wedding style,

"Mel I'm...." Mason began,

"Get away from her!" Snapped Steve, I looked at Steve's face and saw a side I hadn't seen before.

"I'm ok Mason I'm going to be fine." I assured him whilst Steve carried me down the hall, only when we were finally alone did he start.

"He could of kill you." He began,

"But he didn't. I knew he wouldn't hurt me since I wasn't the Red Thistle." I told him,

"He had his claws dug into your arms Mel. Look." That's when I saw the blood, I began to shake in realisation. He sighed,

"I'm sorry for earlier." I told him,

"It's ok." I just realised something,

"Steve. How were you not effected by Loki earlier?" I asked, he stopped.

"Loki?" I've said too much,

"Loki made me experiance my worst memories with my worst fears." I told him,

"How do you know it was him?" He was getting concerned;

"He was there. In the memory telling me to hand myself over or Mason will get worse." I told him, he looked deep in thought.

"I saw the moment of when I was about to crash the hydra ship. I remember speaking to a woman who I was very closed to called Peggy." He told me, I felt my heart sink. She was the one in the compass that he threw away.

"The reason why it didn't affect me is because I remembered that I have you now cause of that." He told me, I felt my face go red but I didn't care. He arrived at the hospital wing then where my arms were dressed and wrapped. Steve sat with me the whole time, he held my hand the whole time.

Once we could go we headed straight to the meeting room.


Te he! Please keep commenting I hope you like the chapter!!

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