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I walked along with Stark now dressed in a pair of jeans and a checked shirt. We didn't talk for half of it,

"So..... You seemed very close to Loki." He began.

"I don't want to talk about it." I told him,

"Ok...Ok I won't."

"Sorry...It's just I'm still trying to get over the kiss with him." I said,

"It looked more than just any old kiss." He mumbled,

"It was the only way I could see the Blue Thistle in action." I told him,


"Well you didn't hear him did you?" I cringed when I thought of what he said,

"What did he say then."

"He said if I played a little less hard to get then he'd show me the Blue thistle." I told him, his eyes widened slightly. We arrived at the control room then, I was greeted warmly by the rest of the team then sat down at the round table that was in the room.

"Good to see you up on your feet Mel." Bruce said to me,

"Thanks it's great to see everyone again." I told them, I noticed then that there was a large touch screen.

"Now that we are settled we can begin." Fury told us,

"We think it's best if you talk to project Blue Thistle." Natasha said to me, what?

"Do you think that's smart?"

"If you aren't dressed as the Red Thistle then he shouldn't harm you." Clint added, I sighed.

"Will you be watching?" I asked Fury,he nodded,

"Ok. I'll go right now." I answered, I stood up as did Steve.

"I'll go with her." He added, Everyone watched as we left. He tenderly placed his arm around my waist and gently pulled me close,

"If anything happenns I come straight in." He whispered,

"Thank you." I wrapped my arm around his waist, we walked like that till we got to the door. we hugged then he unlocked the door,

"Ready?" I nodded then went in.

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