Let's Do This

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I ducted as I knew the gun was aimed at me. Steve held his Sheild in front of me, I shifted back to myself, Steve passed me a spare gun he had.

"Ready?" he asked, I loaded the gun.

"Let's do this." I said, I rolled out from behind his sheild and started shooting at Dr Stein. I ran then glided across to take cover under a table. I had to get to Loki and stop him, I checked to see if I still had bullets, I had one round left. Better make it count. I tore the hem of my dress off then tied it around my gun then around my waist. I looked out and saw Mason pointing a gun at Steve. He may not love me anymore but I won't let Mason hurt him, I ran out whilst shifting into a wolf. I dug my claws into his shoulders before he could shoot, he stared straight into my eyes as I roared in his face. I watched as he also shifted into a wolf then pushed me off him, we fought, clawed and bit each other like we were dancing round the hall; he leap at me as I dug my teeth into his side then flung him into the far away wall. I saw as Steve, Stark and Thor fought together as Loki's men attacked them with everything they had. I let my large paws hit heavily off the floor so it would give a loud sound as I walked over to where a growling Mason lay, he'd got his leg stuck in some curtain rope which held him down. I bent low down so my muzzle was next to his as I growled. He used his free paw to scratch my face, it hurt like hell but I kept my gaze straight at him. I saw as he shifted back to himself, he had a black eye, a cut lip with scratches and bruises all over him. He started grinning like a crazy person, I snapped my canines at him before I turned round to help the others. I ran at some of Loki's men they fell down instantly. I started to hear a low whistling sound but I ignored it. I started sniffing around for Dr Steins sent, it was very faint but I picked it up; that musty sent of cigerettes and chemicals. The pitch of the whistling sound got higher and louder, it was starting to annoy me but as I glanced round I saw that no one was being affected by it so I continued smelling him out, I was walking closer towards where the stage was. The pitch got extremely high.

The pain it caused as it give it's unholy high pitch was unbearable. I fell over and shifted to my normal self I tried blocking out the noise by covering my ears but it wouldn't go, I saw the others staring at me. COULDN'T THEY HEAR IT?! I was agony, I felt someone grab me by the hair and pull me to my feet. I felt the cold metal of a gun being held to my temple,

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" screamed Dr Stein from behind me. As soon as he did the high pitch noise stopped. I tried to pull out of his grip but failed. All the avengers turned to see the fearful sight, Thor put down his hammer slowly, Steve put down his gun and Sheild gingerly.

"TAKE THE SUIT OFF MR STARK!" he barked the order, I watch as the plates of red and gold armour slowly shifted off his body and into a briefcase styled box, Loki's men held each of the men by there forearms. I heard Dr Stein give a chuckle,

"Now who would of thought... Earths mightiest heroes under my control." he began, I felt myself sweating like a madman.

"Now my dear can't you see the power I hold over you." he placed his lips next to my ear, Steve tried to get to me but the gaurds held him tight.

"Get away from her!" he snapped, why does he care?

"He's trying to fool you my dear. Don't listen to him." he whispered in my ear as I watched the three bravest men I know stand helpless,

"If you don't get away from her I'll..."

"You'll do what Steve?! Leave me to their will like you did only hours ago?!" I spat, he seemed confused, how dare he act like it never happened. Even Thor and Stark looked confused,

"When did you see her Caps?" asked Stark,

"Melody I don't know what your talking about but I would never...."


"You told me that you couldn't love the monster I'd become." I whispered, I looked into his eyes and saw hurt as I told him,

"Melody. I would never say that. I love you more than life itself."I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Then why say it then?" I whispered not believeing what he said. I began to hear someone laugh, I looked in the direction of it and saw Mason laughing. WAIT! MASON! I tried to get to him. Still the grip was too tight,

"Now now before we continue there is still the matter of giving me world power." began Dr Stein, Loki appeared then,

"Frank I believe you mean when I am given world power." Frank? Frank merely laughed.

"For a god your very stupid. You don't know the first thing about this planet! I'm going to create an army like my two best creations and take this world by storm with or without you."

"YOU BETRAYED ME!" someone grabbed Loki then,

"We would of in the end. Now nothing can stop me!" he began to give a loud evil laugh.

Then a gun shot was heard.

I winced but then realised it wasn't me who had been shot. I felt Franks body hit the floor, bullet in the head by the looks. I looked up and saw Mason standing with a gun in his hand,

"Can't have hundreds of me running around. Then I wouldn't be so special." He told us,

"When you say hundreds of me..?" I began not thinking I was truly save just yet. Mason pointed the gun at me.

"I mean only me not us." he said, time to beg for my life. I felt my self shake. My own friend wants me dead.

"Mason....please. Don't do this. I know you hate me and I don't blame you but think of all the good times we've had together." I began, his aim began to shake.

"And there we are. The true Melody Jean Thistle. Always trying to be the bigger person, trying to seem better than she really is. Always thinking she was so spacial but not anymore." he held the gun with both hands. I slowly walked towards him, I saw that everyone was holdin there breathe even Loki's gaurds (who were still holding him.),

"Mason you are hurt. But this will only make it worse. Please give me the gun." I asked, he pointed it at my head,

"Don't take another step." he threatened, I slowly raised my arms.

"Release Steve." he ordered, they let go of his arms then pushed him forward.

"Pick up your gun." Steve looked over to me,

"Do what he says." I calmly spoke knowing that I was still shaking. He slowly walked over to where his gun lay and picked it up,

"Come over to me." He slowly walked over to where Mason stood.

"point it at her." He looked over to me, I saw panic washed over in his eyes.

"DO IT!" He quickly did so. Mason gave a pitty laugh,

"If you don't shoot her then I'll kill you. Simple as that." my breathing became shallow, I turned to face Steve, he held the gun shakily.

"Shoot. I love you and I will forgive you." I told him as tears spilled onto my face. He gave his head a slight nod, he spun round with the gun pressed against Masons forehead.

"Drop your gun." he gritted through clenched teeth, Mason dropped the gun he then winked and shifted into a bird. Before Steve could point his gun at him he was gone, Loki's men then looked at each other.

"Better let them go." I told them, they let them go then ran.

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