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"Melody." It was a soft whisper, I didn't awake to it instead I struggled deeper into Steves arms.

"Melody." it was a bit louder but I still didn't wake.

"Come to me Melody." My eyes snapped open, the voice was so gentle and soft. I then started to hear alarm bells but they didn't register,

"Follow my voice." I did as commanded without thought, I slowly slide myself from Steves arms so not to wake him,

"Follow my voice." I followed the voice out of the apartment/ room then walked slowly down the hall. I felt like I was in a dream, the voice was so soothing that I couldn't help but follow it.

"Come to me Melody." as I walked towards this mysterious voice I heard another come up behind me.

"Hey Red up abit early aren't you?" it was Stark, I didn't answer but kept walking. He came up beside me.

"Do not stop. Just follow my voice."

"You know ignoreing me won't make me go away." I still didn't answer, he looked closely at me as I turned a corner.

"Come to me Melody." I kept walking,

"Hey legolas look at Red's eyes. There well red." Clint came into my view but I didnt stop walking.

"Nick we've got a problem. Miss Thistle is under some sort of trance."

"Follow my voice."

"Will do sir. You stay with her and find out where she's going. I'm getting Thor and Rogers."

"Melody." I Started up some stairs whilst Stark followed me, I kept going higher and higher following the melodic voice that called to me.

"Yo Shakespeare wanna help." I heard Stark shout,

"Melody." I reached the roof, I felt a strong wind wrap around me as I walked to the centre where the voice was at it's loudest.

"BROTHER! RELEASE THIS MAIDEN!" I heard Thor shout; I stayed still for no reason, I wanted to move but I couldn't.

Suddenly Loki appeared in front of me, he was grinning at me and took no notice of the others.

"Come here my dear." he was the voice I heard, I tried with every strength I had but I still walked over to him,

"That's a good girl." the minute his hand was tightly clamped around my wrist I was in control again, I tried to pull my wrist out of his grasp but it was no use.

"LET HER GO BROTHER!" screamed Thor,

"OR WHAT? YOU CAN'T HURT ME WITHOUT HER BEING HURT ALSO!" Loki shouted back, I growled at him as he tried to pull me close to him.

"Hey crazy cat just give us back Red and you'll get off easy." not a great move to call him crazy cat Stark, I heard someone come up the stairs.

"Come with me willingly or your love meet an untimely end."

"YOU LIE!" I shouted, Just then Steve came out onto the roof with his Sheild in hand with Clint. Loki raised an eyebrow,

"Let her go Loki." Loki grabbed my jaw tightly then made me look straight at Steve,

"I don't lie dear." suddenly Steve couldn't breathe, he fell to his knees. I tried to look away but Loki held my jaw tight, Clint and Stark tried to help but his face began to turn red. Tears streamed down my face as I watched,

"STOP IT! STOP IT I'LL GO WITH YOU!" I screamed, he released Steve. I watched as he gasped and gulped air into his lungs. I tried to run to Steve but Loki kept his grip firm,

"At least let me say goodbye." I pleaded, he let go of my wrist,

"If anyone tries to stop me then I won't be so kind next time." he pushed me towards Steve who was still kneeling on the floor, I took his face in my hands.

"Don't go." he breathed,

"I have to or he'll hurt you." he looked me in the eyes,

"Taking you from me will hurt me." he stroked my hair gently,

"Remember you are not a monster."

"I love you." I whispered whilst tears rained from my eyes, I felt Loki grab me by my shoulder.

"The soilder and the monster. How strange how two people so differant can feel this strongly for each other." he questioned, Steve flung himself at Loki but we disappeared into thin air before he hit either of us.

There was no help for me now.

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