The Mission

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I awoke to feel Steves arms around me. A smile danced acrossed my lips before I looked at the clock. 3:30 am, I twisted myself so I could look at Steves face. It looked so peaceful, so happy and relaxed that I didn't dare wake him, I slowly unwrapped myself from his strong arms then got dressed. When I was dressed I still couldn't bring myself to wake him so I left him a note:

Dear Steve,

I didn't want to wake you since you looked so peaceful but I will be onboard Loki's ship by the time you read this. Please remember what I told you last night and please remember what you said to me. I will hope to see you at the Sheild HQ, I will think of you often when on this mission and hope that we will see each other again no matter what happens.

Your truthfully

Melody Thistle xxx

I left the note on the face of clock so it's the first thing he sees, I looked at his happy sleeping face on e more before heading out. Nick Fury was waiting for me at the leader that lead to the roof or deck as he called it,

"Ready to go?" he asked, I nodded.

"It will be better if you 'changed' on the way there." he told me. I nodded in agreemeant, I saw that Clint and Natasha were going to be accompanying me to the site as they stood next to Fury waiting instructions.

"Let's move out." Fury ordered, He went up the leader first then Natasha and then Clint. As he was half up the leader I took the first few steps up but before I could go any further someone grabbed my shoulders from behind and spun me round. I lost my footing on the leader so fell straight into their arms. It was Steve. HE GOT UP IN TIME! He smacked his lips against mine before anything could be said, I accepted the kiss and kissed back in turn. I pulled out,

"You came!" I realised then that he was still in his pj's! He smiled.

"I couldn't let you leave without goodbye." my heart melted then, we heard a noticeable cough from above and saw that the three of them had seen the whole scene.

"I have to go." I told him, he lifted me onto the leader.

"Goodbye Melody Thistle." he choked,

"Goodbye Steve Rogers." with that I climbed up the leader without looking back down. I blinked away the tears as they tried to escape. I have to focus now. As we were in the copter I shifted into Charlotte,

"So...... you and Rogers?" asked Clint, I blushed.

"We're here." Natasha told us, I got up and fixed my shirt one last time.

"Now remember what we said. Record the information and get out, we've hacked the security cameras so we can see what's going on." Nick told me, I nodded.

"Good luck agent Thistle." I quickly jumped off the copter and made

my way towards a large metal building, it had few windows to it but had two security gaurds at the doors. I know that shield have Charlotte in holding at HQ but I'm still worried that she might just pop up and the whole mission would be ruined.

"ID." asked the left gaurd as I got to the doors, I flashed my ID we got off her yesterday.

"Welcome back Miss Little." They opened the doors and I walked in. The outside was certainly a differant story to the inside. It was massive! There were huge windows letting in light near the roof which made the place very bright, I walked by many scientists who were under Loki's trance. They all had glowing green eyes, it gave me shivers Looking at them. I found my way along to their control room which was a lot similar to the one on the hellicarrier only the window looked in their training room of some sort.

Then I saw him.

The small mane of black hair, the green cape, this tall slim figure. It was Loki. He turned round when I caught sight of him and smile, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed. He green eyes had a sinister twinkle to them of that of a mad man.

"Charlotte!" He came over and hugged me, I hugged him back.

"Loki." I whispered, he pulled out the hug. There was so much delight in his eyes that it almost killed me for I know I'm not the one he really is happy to see but the appearance of her. He cupped my face in his hands,

"Where did you go?"

"I- I got lost in Manhatten." I told him, he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well you are here now my darling." he took his hands away,

"Now my love we must go to your lab. We have much to discuss." he held out his hand and I took it, I followed him down a collection of differant corridors. He ten led me through a door that led to a lab that was the double of Tony and Bruce's, I then saw on the screens images of my superself next to two images of a DNA. One looked normal whilst the other was slightly deformed,

"We finally found a diagram of her DNA my love. We can finally figure out the missing piece of our plan." He told me, Oh dear god! He's trying to recreate my DNA! I clicked the recording button on my watch,

"So we have one last stage till the DNA recreation of the Red Thistle's blood?" I asked him so it is caught on tape,

"Yes one last step then our plan to rule this world will finally start." that's all I needed.

"And our plan will not go wrong." I was buttering him up but it will help.

"Not without you and your partner." he said, Partner.

"Ah Dr. Stein it is good of you to join us." as Loki greeted him I had to stop myself from shaking in fear. This was Dr Frankinstein of the Dr Frankinstein Freaks of Nature sideshow. The man who made me in the Red thistle.

"It is good to be here." He replied in his French accent. I painted on a fake smile as I greeted him,

"Dr. Little it has been too long." He kissed my hand,

"Too long indeed." I replied,

"Now I must take my leave." Loki announced, no. I don't care if your trying to take over the world I don't wan to be alone with this monster of a man.

"Must you." I squeaked, Loki hugged me.

"Ah my love. You were so scared that you wouldn't see me again that you do not wish to let me out of your sight however i must take leave for I must enquire for your test subject." He kissed my hand then left. There was a long pause between us.

"Shall we start?" he asked,

"Let's." I replied.

Authors notes--------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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