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Thanks to everyone who's been reading this! This chapter is dedicated to all of you and don't worry here is a sequel called 'A Shapeshifting Love' on the way! Enjoy!

I ran to Steve and embraced him as Thor and Stark took care of Loki. He hugged me tight as I cried tears of joy.

"I thought I'd never see you again." I sobbed, he pulled me out then kissed me like there is no tomorrow. I kissed back just as hard with enough passion to power a city, as we pulled out he wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"I never want you to scare me like that again." he told me.

"Ok lovebirds time to get back." shouted Stark who'd just picked up Steves Sheild.

The next day

After a day of medical tests ( have a black patch on my arm from the injections which is forever) I finally got time alone with Steve. He came to my room/ apartment once everyone was asleep, he chapped on my door three times so I knew it was him. I grinned happily as I let him in, we began kissing as soon as he walked in; I felt all the love, pain and anger from the past year I've known him. As I was held in his strong arms to the wall I began to hear a low pitch whistle like I'd heard yesterday, I ignored it like last time. The pitch got higher. I pulled my lips away for a moment,

"Everything ok?" he asked, I looked up at him.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I replied, I began to kiss him more gently this time.

"I missed you." he said between kisses.

"I missed you as well." I told him, I felt his smile on my lips. The pitch got higher, I had to pull away so I could put my hands on my ears in hope to block the noise,

"Mel what's wrong?" asked Steve.

"Can't you hear it?!" I shouted only barely being able to hear my own voice. The pitch got even higher. I pain in my head was splitting!

Then I saw him.

He stood there in his suit that was still in good nick from the night before. I saw that he wore an evil grin on his face as well as was holding a small flash drive looking object. I shifted into a wolf despit the pain I was in and darted towards him, I went to grab him but he simply moved out the way,

"Truely a beast in every sense of the word." He laugh, Steve tried to get him but he punched him hard in the jaw. Steve maybe strong but I know that Mason is stronger, I tried to pull myself off the floor but Mason kicked me in the side then used his foot to push me back to the floor. The whistling noise was still ringing in my ears,

"You know what they say about dogs in pain." he grabbed the gun I had on my desk, I tried again to get up but he kicked my again. I watched in horror as he loaded the gun and pointed it at my head.

"Best to put it out it's misery." just before he pulled the trigger Steve lunged at him and pushed him to the floor, I watched as they punched and kicked each other. I shifted back to my normal self, the whistling was still screaming in my ear. I saw that there was a vase with flowers, water. I focus hard on the water. It slowly began to move the same way my hand did, I lifted it out of the vase. I looked round and saw that Mason's back was towards me, I made the water slowly wrap round his waist. As he reach for the gun I frooze it. his whole waist and chest was froozen in the upright postition. I let my body fall back down to the floor as the high pitch noise was getting unbearible,

"What have you done to her?!" I heard Steve shout, I felt myself shift without controling it. I was a lioness.

"Only showing you her more wild side." I turned round and snarled at Mason. I lunged at him and smashed the ice that I frooze on him. He laughed as he pushed me off him with his legs, Steve started looking around the floor. I clawed Mason's arm as he kicked me in the side.

"Unlike you Mel I don't need to relay on my animal side to fight." He commented, I snapped my teeth. I had Mason up against the glass wall which showed all of New York. I was one blow away from shutting him up when suddenly he winked then took two steps through the glass! He shifted into an eagle and flew far away.

The whistling stopped.

I still felt on edge even with the releif of no whistling. In stared at the glass in anger. I almost had him, I felt someone pat my back. Without knowing what I was doing I twisted round a scratched who ever it was in reflex.

It was Steve. I quickly shifted to my normal self. I'd caught the sleeve of his long sleeved shirt, I don't know if I'd cut him or not since he heels quickly. We both stood in shock, I just raised my hands to my boyfriend.

"Steve I....I.... I don't know what came over me." I stumbled over the words as I never thought I would say them, i saw in his hand the flash drive looking thing.

"It's one of those things they use on dogs to train them. If they miss behave it releases a noise only they can hear which hurts them." he informed me.

"My animal like hearing." you would of thought i'd accendentlly frooze myself. I didn't dare move, Steve looked at the drive then at me.

"I... I better go." he started,

"I really am sorry." I started as we moved for the door,

"I know it wasn't your fault. It's just really killed the mood him coming in on us." he explained, I knew he was lying but I let it slide. We hugged before he walked out,

"Love you." I said,

"Love you too." he replied, once I shut the door I stared at my now wrecked room. I need to learn to control this animal side of mine. I don't want to hurt anyone and tonight I nearly did. I need to control but I can't do it here.

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