[5] Training

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You woke up. It was so weird to not wake up to the sound of your mother screeching or your little brother hacking and wheezing. You did your morning routine before heading out. You arrived in the kitchen only to see everyone else up.

"Good morning!" they all said—except for Keith. You waved and went over to brew a nice hot cup of tea.

"So, how is everyone?" Shiro wondered.

"Great!" Lance shouted. Keith flinched from the volume he set his voice to.

Pidge sighed. "I'm trying to find out how the Galra found us so suddenly yesterday."

"Coincidence?" said Hunk.

"I don't know, it's just so weird."

You tilted your head. A wave of worriment flew over you. Now that you were on ship that was always being targeted by an empire—you weren't feeling quite safe. Maybe sneaking on Keith's Lion wasn't such a good idea. The thing is, you had nowhere else to go!

"Alright," Keith started as he rose up from his chair. "I'm going to be in the training room. Join me when you're done with breakfast." Keith walked away. You widened your eyes and watched him go. You then went back to eating—but you chewed very slowly.

Shiro laughed. "He may look scary, but he's actually just—"

You interjected, "hey! I'm not scared of him. He's nothing compared to my mother." You then slid your plate away and got up—beginning to walk toward the training area. Shiro only shrugged.

Walking into the training room, you saw a big empty area. Keith was in there just waiting.

"Finally, you're here," he groaned.

"I only took 32 seconds."

"Whatever, just grab your sword."

You sighed and pulled it up. "Teach me your ways," you said with sarcasm.

"You gotta hold it like this—" Once Keith came close, you slapped his hand and remarked,

"Don't touch me."


You smirked. "Fine, fine. Just show me."

"Alright. . ." he grumbled. Keith taught you the proper way to handle the weapon—just boring stuff mainly. After a few minutes—that part of the lesson was done.

"Okay, now what?"

"I'm going to teach you how to dodge." He picked up his Bayard and looked at you with a sinister smirk. You scanned the area to see if anyone else was around.

"Guess I'll die." You shrugged. So, you lifted your sword.

Keith began to explain all the dodging techniques. After only a few practices of doing so, he said, "now that you got it down, I'm going to be aiming at you—so be sure to dodge."

"Wait, what—"

Keith slowly thrusted his sword at you.

"AAAAA!!!" you let out a soul-ripping shriek and ran to the end of the room. "SHIRO!! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Keith interjected, "NO! I'm not—DODGE THE HECKING SWORD!!" He darted toward you and got ready to attack. You stood there and tried to hold your sword in the correct position. The two blades came in contact, but he manipulated yours and threw it down.

"This isn't fair," you pouted.

"Remember the dodging techniques I taught you!" he quaked.

You shouted, "I don't remember them though!"

"You need to learn to focus. Patience yields focus."

You placed a hand on his shoulder—which made him stiffen up. "Wow, that's really profound. Now, excuse me. . ." You pulled yourself away and began to walk out.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to fly myself into the sun."

"Not if I can do it first!" he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back.

"OW!" you screeched.

He turned to you and fell into a snicker. "Why don't we practice with a machine."

"Fine," you huffed, rolling your eyes.

Keith set up one of the machines. He just stood back to spectate the brawl. You were at least 15 feet away from the robot. . .this probably wasn't going to turn out too swell.

"In three. . .two. . .one!" Keith pressed the button to enable the fighting dummy. You held your sword up and gritted your teeth. It rolled toward you on its surprisingly fast wheels—it was so weird. You had never seen a functioning human-like robot before on Earth. Perhaps their technology just wasn't as good as Altean's. Anyway, the automaton slashed its sword in front of you.

"Ya yeet," you exclaimed before dodging it the proper way. You were starting to get the hang of this! Finally, after several minutes of duking it out—you got tired. So, you just fell to the floor and roared, "FINISH ME."

The robot stopped though. Because Keith wasn't letting you get what you want. He walked over to you and assured, "we'll practice more later."

"Fine." Just as you got up, you accidentally tripped because you were still feeling slightly dizzy. However, Keith turned back to you with his cat-like reflexes and caught you in his arms. You haven't hugged anyone since you were like, nine—and this was basically the closest thing to it.

"Uh—" Keith's eye twitched. You broke out of your daydream and widened your eyes.

"GAH! Uhm." You shot up and held your hands behind your back, gazing at the floor. ". . .Thanks, I guess."

A blush formed across Keith's face but he wouldn't let you see it.

"Whatever, let's just see the others. . ." he held his arms and tried to shake off the weird feeling. You followed him and stayed unusually silent.

As you two came out of the room, Shiro was conveniently there. "Hey! How was training?"

You both flinched. "Uh," Keith went blank. "Interesting. She's kinda getting the hang of it."

"Nice, I suppose you two hit it off?"

You sneered. Keith spat back, "NO! Why would you think that?"

"Because you're not trying to kill each other. . .physically and verbally."

You both glared at each other.

"Uhm, you have bad hair!" you retorted.

Keith responded, "if I had a face like that, I'd sue my parents."

Together, you crossed your arms and turned away from each other. Shiro smiled for some reason. . .not quite the reaction you were expecting.

"Young love is so cute," he mumbled under his breath. You weren't quite sure what he said but it didn't sound good.

"I'm going to listen to My Chemical Romance. Don't bother me." Keith headed off. You only shrugged and decided to go sharpen some of the forks or something.

However, when you fell into his arms for those three seconds, you felt. . .not so hateful toward him in that moment. WHY?

Emo Is As Emo Does (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now