[36] Rumors

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"Thereee we go!" You finished arranging the last batch of flowers. Allura placed them alongside the rest, completing the aesthetic of the room which the party was going to be held in.

"Thank you again for helping me," she blessed. "Also, I am sorry for the way I acted in the past. My behavior toward you was unpleasant."

Remembering all the tacky comments you made to her, you responded, "Same. We're even."

You then walked out. As you did, you saw Pidge dawdling in. She was in a plain green dress, and she had a single beret in her hair. The slacker obviously didn't spend too much time on her look.

"Wow," was all you said.

"I hate wearing dresses. My mom used to make me—and I just prefer what I always wear."

"Guy clothes?" Lance stupidly joined in. He was only slapped by Pidge.

You told her, "It's only one night. After that, you can go back to looking like a G.I. Joe."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up. "Well, I guess I can suffer through."

You headed into the kitchen next. What havoc was wreaking in there?

"No, that's not how you make a Texas Cobbler," corrected Hunk.

Keith reverted to his Southern accent and retorted, "I GREW UP IN TEXAS, I THINK I KNOW HOW TO MAKE A TEXAS COBBLER."

"'Kay, but you don't have to get all cowboy on me." Hunk just resumed baking his other dish.

Allura needed all the caterers she could get, so she got a bit desperate. Lance then walked in, wearing an apron. "Sup, mah dudes."

"Please don't tell me he's going to be helping," Keith mumbled.

"Don't be so quick to judge, Keith. I grew up watching New Scandinavian Cooking."

Keith challenged him. "Spell 'New Scandinavian Cooking'."

With a pause, Lance countered, "Haha, spell 'no'."

Hunk facepalmed. "We're doomed. . ."

You walked up. "Uh, no offense—but I'd rather eat a TV dinner I found on the sidewalk. So, please don't let Lance cook."

Lance snagged his apron up, rolling it into a ball, and quickly throwing it down. "FINE! SEE HOW YOU DO WITHOUT ME THEN!" He finally exited.

You, Keith, and Hunk all whistled awkwardly.

You mainly spent your time guiding Keith—so he wouldn't accidentally drop the wrong ingredient in the food. So, that was fun.

But for the moment everyone was waiting for, the party was about to start. Some guests arrived early. Some of the Paladins already knew them, but most of them were strangers to you.

"(Y/N), meet Shay!" Hunk introduced, blushing.

"Waddup, rock person," you greeted.

"Uhhh, hello?"

Hunk nervously laughed. After that, you sprinted over and stood beside Keith. He was being a wallflower—as usual.

"Keith, aren't you gonna hang out with the guests?" you wondered.

"Eh, parties and social events aren't really my thing."

"Welp, sucks to be you." You casually took a sip of your punch. "Gosh, I wish something interesting would happen."

"HEAR YE, HEAR YE!" suddenly called a voice from the loudspeakers. The feedback from the microphone made you all pinch your eyes and cringe. You looked up to see Pidge. What crazy shenanigans was she getting into this time? "I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!"

Everyone's attention in the room was now on her. You only rolled your eyes, still drinking from your cheap plastic cup.

"Most of you know our emo Red Paladin, Keith, right? Shine the spotlight on him, will ya?"

Every light in the room now shone on Keith. This caused him to flush and stiffen with humiliation. You only let out a snicker, but that soon stopped when Pidge mentioned your name.

"Well, he just got together with (Y/N). Officially. AFTER MANY TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS, THEIR LOVE CONQUERED THE EVILNESS IN THIS GALAXY—AND NOW, THEY'RE HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER!" Her voice was now sappy—making the audience react in awe.

You were already walking out of the room, and so was Keith. But that abruptly ended when a random guest took you by the waist, only to spin you back in your boyfriend's direction. You let out a shriek as Keith smoothly caught you in his arms.

"SEE? THEY'RE SO IN LOVE!!" Pidge squeaked. Hunk only pulled her back.

You and Keith were being gawked at like monkeys in a zoo habitat. Once you both pulled apart, Keith irritably whispered to Lance, "Do something!"

Lance nodded, mouthing, "I got you, fam." He paraded up the stage, grabbing the microphone close and speaking, "Listen, guys. Keith and (Y/N) aren't dating. . ."

Maybe him about lying your relationship would grant you two some space from the media for a while. Perhaps Lance wasn't as bad as you thought. . .perhaps he did genuinely take your personal life into account.

Until he shamelessly fibbed, "They're not dating. They're engaged."

The screaming and whooping of the crowd almost made you go deaf. It took you a few seconds to comprehend the situation. When you did, you realized Lance just said that to give you two even more grief. Keith was bellowing in an absolute rage, Shiro was having PTSD, Pidge and Hunk were passing out, and Allura was slapping Lance upside the head. Everyone around you was acting like a madman.

Keith growled and took you by the hand, attempting to escape the party. The guests were now acting like the paparazzi, chasing you with multitudes of questions.

Lance was being stampeded, which in all honesty, he kind of deserved. But once he got up, Shiro scolded his behavior.

"Why did you do that to Keith and (Y/N)??" he asked.

"This is payback for when Keith stole my blanket in that hotel in Texas."


Right now, you and Keith were hiding behind a counter in the kitchen. Luckily, the nosy crowd of people missed you. They only headed back to the other room. You were just blanking out, while Keith was trembling with fury.


"It's Lance. Who knows?" you chugged a Capri sun before launching it in the trash bin.

"I swear, I'm gonna get him back," Keith grumbled.

That was certainly a twist of events, but hopefully it would all even out later. At least the punch was good.


This is Lance's revenge

Emo Is As Emo Does (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now