[34] Finally

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Sorry for being inactive, my week's been chiz kinda XDD

(ps i made this pic lel)


"Lotor," Keith spoke in an authoritative tone of voice. "Drop it."

"Oh, Keith." Lotor flashed a nefarious smirk. "Do you really want nations to be erased from existence just because of your emotional unstableness?"

"Why are you doing this, you brat?" you asked.

"Earth took everything from me. . ." he dramatically answered.

"He's never even gone there—" Lance said from the back.

"True, very true—BUT STILL!" Lotor held up the enabler. You all gasped at the sudden movement. "Now, hand over Voltron. Unless you want cataclysm."

"You'll only do the same thing with Voltron!" Pidge countered.

Lotor grinned. "Why must you have so little trust for me?"

"Is that a trick question?" you groaned.

"Backtalking will get you nowhere."

"No, but this will." Lance whipped out a deck of cards. You all looked at him, unimpressed. "Misdirection~" Lance vocalized, before the cards fell onto the floor. He then hunched over and pouted.

"What the chiz, Lance." Keith lifted his eyebrow in a judgmental way.

"Am I a joke to you?" Lotor asked.

When all hope seemed lost, an Ex Machina dialed its way into the situation. The door to the elevator opened up, revealing Matt and his furry friends.

"GET'EM, GUYS!" Matt screeched. All the furries darted at Lotor, leaving him in complete shock. After being stampeded, Shiro ran over and picked up the enabler for the eon cannon.

"WHERE'S THE EARRINGS?" you shouted over the noise.

"I GOT THEM," Lance assured, holding them up. Man, he was fast. So, that's the time you had to make your exit.

Just as you and the others stepped into the elevator, Haggar woke up. She unexpectedly charged in your direction and began powering up her magic—causing Keith to pull you back into a protective embrace. You screwed your eyes shut and prepared for the worst. Hunk and Lance aimed their Bayards at her, but right before anything bad happened, the elevator doors closed. A loud thud was heard as the hag slammed into it.

"Ha." Pidge grinned.

You trembled and looked up at Keith. He stared down at you in concern, asking, "(Y/N), are you okay??"

"I think—"

"Are you sure? That was a pretty rough fight and if you got hurt, I could never forg—"

Stopping Keith mid sentence, you abruptly placed your hand on his cheek and pulled him toward you, ending that tense moment with an endearing kiss. He widened his eyes, unsure of what to do or say next. He felt as if he was going to have a heart attack, but knowing that you were safe and sound in his arms—gave him an overwhelming sense of peace. Keith then closed his eyes and returned the kiss.

Pulling back after a few seconds, you admitted, "We could be on Earth, an unknown planet—or even Zarkon's ship in outer space with an evil witch trying to kill us. It doesn't matter because as long as I'm with you, I feel safer than I've ever felt before."

He carefully stroked your messy hair before replying in a soft tone, "From the day I first met you, I didn't think I'd care about you as much as I do now. With that being said, I won't let anyone lay a finger on you."

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