Chapter 5

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There is extreme mature stuff in this chapter so if you aren't into that kind of stuff, skip to the next chapter..

You've been warned!


So that's how I ended up completely sober watching my drunk friends singing karaoke quiet awfully on my stereo and keyboard.

Yes, it's my birthday and I really don't feel like getting drunk and having a huge migraine like last time..

Nate only had one or two beers and he can control his drinking, so he isn't drunk and we are just relaxing o the sofa sitting in silence.

Him with his arm around my shoulders and me with my head in his warm chest.

"I'm bored.." I mumbled.

"You wanna go somewhere quiet?" Nate suggested.

A hint of excitement was in his voice and I smirked.


Lacing our fingers, Nate helped me off the sofa before leading me to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed as soon as I walked in and Nathaniel locked the door before joining me.

"So did you enjoy your birthday?" Nate asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"How do you not know?" He chuckled.

"Well it's not over yet so I don't know." I smirked.

"Okay.. Well how do you like it so far?"

"It's been amazing.." I whispered, getting on my knees and staring at Nate's lips.

Of course he knew that I wanted to kiss him, so I found his face coming closer to mine slowly and just as I thought he was never gonna kiss me, I smashed my lips on his.

Nate immediately responded, taking control of the kiss and choosing how fast we went, which was actually pretty slow and kind of romantic..

Naw, Nate is so not a romantic person.

We moved our lips together for just a few seconds more before warm hands were placed on my hips, lowering me down onto the bed, him on top of me, never breaking our lip connection.

Nate's warm hands slid under my shirt and started running small circles kind of by my belly button and I sighed at the good feeling.

My hands trailed down his chest and over the delicious eight pack under neath his black shirt.

Also sliding them under his shirt, I slipped it over Nate's head and he immediately locked our lips once again, flipping us over so I was straddling him.

His hands found my buckle to my shorts and I froze, causin him to stop and look at me wit worry.

I sent him a warm smile, telling him it was okay and he smiled back before reaching up and trailing kisses down my jaw as he slowly zipped my shorts down and slid them down my long legs, leaving me in my black lace panties.

His eyes scanned my body and I looked away shyly, running my hands over Nate's scars on his chest as he continued trailing kisses down my neck and down to where my shirt is.

Repeating my action, He slid my shirt slowly over my head, leaving me in just my black lace undergarments and him in some shorts.

We continued with everything until the only thing separating us from me losing my virtue was our undergarments.

I always vowed to save my person for the one person if fall in love with and that's when reality hit me hard in the face like a ton of bricks.

I wasn't about to have sex with Nathaniel Knight.

No. I was about to make love with him.

Yeah, I love Nate and whether he feels the same or not, nothing will change that.

My hands trailed down Nate's eight pack until I got to his v line and soon after, the top of his boxers.

My fingers trailed the tops until I wrapped them around and started tugging when he pulled away.

"Are you sure Princess?" He whispered.

I nodded before giving him a reassuring smile and sliding my hand behind his neck, bringing his lips down to mine.

The bra I was once wearing joined our other clothes on the floor and I suddenly felt self conscious.

Covering myself with my hands, I sighed with embarrassment.

Nate lightly held my hands before pulling them away.

"You are so beautiful" He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead.

A blush rose to my cheeks as I allowed Nate to remove my last piece of clothing and I started pulling on his boxers again until they were on the floor and a big erection was in front of me.


Grabbing something from his shorts pocket, Nathaniel turned back to me holding a condom and smiled down at me.

"If I hurt you, just tell me and ill stop, okay?"

"Okay" I whispered.

Just like that, the condom was on and Nate was between my legs, him at my entrance and his face above mine.

As soon as I felt him slowly slide in, pleasure ripped through me but it was soon replaced by pain and the. The pleasure came back.

When I was done adjusting to Nate's size, he pulled out and slammed into me again, making me moan his name.


I'm sorry! I know this is really dirty, but I can't help it! Im a dirty minded person! Get over it!

Bye my lovelies!! <3

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