Chapter 6

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After hours and multiple rounds later, Nate collapsed beside me and tried catching his breath as I did the same.

By the time we both were breathing softly again, I turned to face Nate, who was already staring at me and I smiled, him returning the gesture.

"Hey Skylar?" He asked shyly.

It's so weird having him call me that..

"Yes?" I whispered.

He took a deep breath before letting it out.

"I love you." He stated, watching my reaction closely.

He what?!

Dear God!

He loves me!

We love eachother!

I'm so obsessed..

"Oh thank God!" I laughed.

His face looked both shocked, confused and hurt and I gasped, realizing what I had said.

"No! I mean I love you too, but I already knew I loved you so-"

His lips met mine once more for like the millionth time that night and I sighed, completely happy with how my life is right now.

"Hey! Lovebirds! When are you gonna come out? You've been in there for hours!" Paisleys drunken voice rang through the room as a knock sounded at the door.

I blushed while Nate snickered.

"We're sleeping!" Nate called out with a fake tired voice.

It was silent on the other side of the door before Paisley mumbled an 'Okay' and we didn't hear another world.

My eyes dropped the more I tried to stay up and finally Nate pulled me into his chest, spooning him.

"Sleep Princess." He whispered.

That's exactly what I did.


The next morning when I woke up everyone was still asleep, so I slowly crawled out of Nate's arms and sprinted into the bathroom, ignoring the slight pain in my thighs.

Turning the water on, I slipped into a hot shower and let it relax my muscles before scrubbing my scalp and body clean with my soaps.

When I was done and all dried off after, I slipped into some fluffy black short shorts along with a Falling In Reverse t shirt and threw my hair in a messy bun.

Nate was still asleep when I walked back in my room, so I unlocked the bedroom door and looked around for the rest of the idiots.

Kayla was passed out of the sofa with her hair in her face, dried drool on her mouth and he mouth wide open, making her snore.

That is a beautiful sight..

In her hand, hanging off the sofa side is the vodka bottle with maybe a few centimeters of liquid left.

Paisley and Jeremy were no where to be seen and the guest room door was shut, so I didn't far go in there, knowing that there was no lock on it.


After cleaning up some in the lounge, I headed upstairs to make breakfast.

Hangovers are gonna be hell for those three and Nate and I are just hungry and exhausted..

Looking in the fridge, the only breakfast food I had was eggs, milk and bacon so I grabbed that and set out different pans.

Cracking open about sixteen eggs and pouring milk in a bowel, I stirred it up before dumping it along with some bacon in different pans.

In case you haven't guessed yet, I'm making omelets..

Just letting you know..

As everything cooked, I got some Advil down and filled glasses up with orange juice and milk so people could have what ever they wanted.

As I was pouring a glass of milk, arms wrapped around my waist and I jumped, causing milk to spill on the counter.

"Nate!" I groaned, grabbing paper towel.

He chuckled against my skin before trailing kisses down from my soft spot below my ear to my collar bone, making me want more.

God, I feel like such a whore..

I think I am now because I'm not a virgin..

You are not a whore Skylar!


As I finished wiping up the remainder of the milk, I threw it in the garbage before turning to Nate, who was still kissing down my neck.

He almost immediately pushed his lips to mine and I rubbed his back as he pushed my body against the counter and my body ached with delight.

"Get a room!"

Our kiss was broken apart by Jeremy and Paisley standing in the door way watching us with smirks and I glared playfully.

"You never let me have fun.." I moaned quietly.

"That's okay hun, but your food is about to burn.." Paisley smirked, motioning towards the pans of perfect omelets.


Quickly grabbing plates, I put an omelet on each one and was relieved when only one was slightly burnt, which I are so no one would have to.

"How are your heads?" I asked.

"Like I just got ran over by an elephant driving a garbage truck." Paisley groaned, rubbing her temples.

Jer chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder before smirking at us.

"So what did you two do last night?"

Oh shit.

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