Chapter 32

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**Nathaniel's POV**

The main thing I felt at that moment was anger.

Maybe it was because she was holding hands with some guy or maybe it was because she was pregnant possibly with his kid, but I was pissed.

Besides the anger though, I felt so sad and heartbroken just seeing that she had moved on from me.

I guess that's what I wanted though right? For her to move on and forget about me?

That's exactly what I wanted but now I just feel selfish because I want her back.

She's mine. I had her first and then that dick just came along and took her from me!

God I sound possessive..

Maybe it's because I am!?

I watched as Skylar turned away from me and turned back to the guy holding her hand.

That kid looks familiar..

He was the waiter at the seventies diner down the road!


The warning bell rang as students began filling into the school and I stepped on the cigarette before following every one inside, looking away from

**Skylar's POV**

I turned my back away from Nate and turned back to Bryson who gave me a questioning gaze.

"Was that him?" he asked.

"That's him." I sighed.

He looked behind me at Nate and his eyes widened slightly.

"What?" I asked.

He looked back t me and softened his gaze "Nothing, he just looks familiar.."

I nodded my head and started for the school as the warning bell went off.

Everybody gathered into the Gymnasium as the principle and some teachers sat on the stage, waiting for everyone to sit down and be quiet.

Nate sat two rows behind me and I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

The principle came up to the microphone and cleared his throat.

"Good morning everyone. For all of the new students this year, my name is Mr. Ford and I am the principle of Richland High. I expect everyone to have the same success as the same years we have been having.. Have a good year."

Applaud went around the room as he sat back down in his seat and the secretary came up to the microphone.

"All freshman report to Mr. Pointers room for their schedules and locker keys, sophomores can get tried with Mrs. Lake, Junior are with Mrs. Teter and Seniors can stay here while we have another meeting. Move up to the front when everyone is out so i can see you all better. You are dismissed."

Chatter filled the room as I gathered my stuff before moving up to the third row and sat down on the very end.

Turning around to try and find Bryson, I was immediately met by Nathaniel, who was sitting right behind me.

Quickly, I turned around.




God, I'm so stupid...!

Bryson crossed in front of the first row trying to get to my other friends, but there wasn't another seat, so I yelled out "Bryson!"

He turned and smiled at me before walking over and sitting next to me.

"What's this about?" He whispered.

"I don't know.." I answered back.

"Okay everybody, quiet down!" The secretary said into the microphone "Im sure that most of you are wondering what you re doing in here, so let me explain. Every year each teacher has two student helpers, also known as teachers assistants or TAs. The TAs help the teacher with Anything they need during advisory and the last period of the day. If your assigned teacher has nothing for you to do, you report to the lounge area and can hang out until the end of the day. You will not be able to choose our partner, they are already chosen. I will call up each partner and you will get your schedule and locker key as you come up. Lets begin, shall we? Logan Tepe and Hannah Turner-"

"Maybe we'll be lucky and be paired together" Bryson whispered.

"We could only hope.." I mumbled.

"Skylar Bradley? You will be paired with..." She looked down at the paper in her hand and smiled "Nathaniel Knight"

My breath hit he'd in my throat and my whole body tensed at her words.

No, no, no, no!!

That's not fair!!

"Go on.." Bryson whispered, nudging me.

Looking up, I noticed Nate already on the stage getting his schedule and a bunch of people were staring at me.

Slowly, I stood up and started for the stage.

A few girls mumbled things about me being a slut while others just said they felt bad for me.

Stupid bitches..

"You're assigned teacher is the librarian Mrs. Dietrich. Here are your schedules and you can go to class now."

This just got even worse..

Alone.. Wih him!

Okay!! Calm down Skylar! You've been alone with him before!

Deep breaths..


As I walked through the door and into the hallway, I focused on the paper, making it seem as if it was more interesting than him.

1st Biology

2nd Algebra

3rd Physics


4th PE

5th Advisory/ TA

6 TA

Eh, not that bad..

A throat cleared next to me and I looked up, startled.

Nate looked down at me as I walked and I stopped, seeing my locker, he stopped with me.

"May I help you?" I asked, annoyed.

"What did you do?" He whispered coldly, staring at my belly.

"What did I do? Ha! Fuck off Knight.." I stated, unlocking my locker.

Not even a second later, I was pushed against them and Nate was in my face with a deadly look.

"Whose is it?" he growled.

"How is that your business?!" I spat, pushing him away.

"Because it is!"

"How?! We aren't together, we aren't even friends, so just leave Nathaniel."

A hint of hurt crossed on his face, but I ignored it.

"How could you do that?" He asked in disgust.

"Do what?!"

"Go sleeping around with other guys? Look at you, you're fucking knocked up!" He yelled.

"You know what?!" I yelled back, pushing him roughly, I haven't slept around actually!"

"Oh yeah that's why-"

"He is yours Nathaniel!" I yelled.

His eyes widened in shock and I turned away before walking down the hall.

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