Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes as my head stopped feeling as if I was floating and sat up.

Standing up, I walked into my bathroom and rinsed my face, getting all of the tear stains off of my cheeks and reapplied a little bit of makeup.

After changing into some knee length ripped jean shorts and a dark blue elbow sweater, I threw on my dark blue flats and ran upstairs.

As i rushed out the door, I grabbed my wallet and phone on the process.

The cold air greeted me as I tropes outside and I immediately regretted wearing shorts.

Oh well..

I locked my front door before heading down the road, towards the grocery store.

Cars were parked all outside as I walked the through the doors to get inside and a bunch of people looked at me.

Ignoring them, I continued walking casually until I came to a stop in front of what I was looking for.

Pregnancy tests.

My eyes scanned the rows of tests until they landed on the most expensive brand, so I grabbed the box before heading to the cash registers.

An elderly lady was working when my turn came up and when she saw the box, she gave me a sad smile, which I returned.

"$12.86 dear." She smiled.

Handing her a twenty, I waited for the change and she smiled at me, holding her hand out with my money.

"Good luck" She nodded.

"Thank you." I sighed, grabbing the bag and walking away.


Right before I opened up the box of pregnancy tests, my phone rang, signalling I had a text.


You weren't at school today.. :/ Everything okay? We don't have to come over if you don't want us to.

I smiled at the text before texting back.


I'm fine, come over!

Guess this will have to wait..

I walked into my bathroom before putting the box of pregnancy tests in the lower cabinet that held wash clothes and towels.

Can't risk them finding those..

Putting my phone down, I walked into my closet and slipped into some black spandex and a dark grey sweater before letting my hair down from a messy bun and walking up to the kitchen.

What food to get...


Mom made chocolate chip cookies!!!!!

Oh dear lord..

Wait.. When was she here?

Oh well, she left me chocolate chip cookies for gods sake!

Taking those, I also heated up two bags of popcorn and grabbed some sodas before taking everything downstairs and setting them in the lounge.

We fat....

The doorbell rang upstairs just as I was gonna text Jeremy and ask when he was gonna be here, so I hurried up and opened the door to everyone standing there.

I opened the door wider letting everyone in and Kayla and Paisley hugged me while Jer grinned at me and Nate just stared with a blank expression, not saying anything.

Okay then.

Hanging my head low, I followed everyone down the stairs and we sat in the lounge.

"So what's wrong Sky? Why didnt you go to school?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I'm sick."

They nodded their heads before looking away and Jeremy spoke up.

"Or you were playing hooky?"

"Yeah, totally Jer." I smirked.

He chuckled before saying "So what movie bitches?"

"Stepbrothers!" Kayla and Paisley yelled at the same time.

Well they had this planned out.

"Stepbrothers it is then!" I laughed, standing up and walking to the DVDs, finding it and popping it into the player."

That founded so dirty..

Don't blame me! I was born with a dirty mind!!

Sitting on the other side of Kayla on the end of the sofa, I watched as Nate sat on the other end on the other side of Jeremy and sat in silence as the movie began.


In the very middle of the third movie, Jeremy stood up.

"I have to pee." He groaned.

Paisley playfully glared at him because they were cuddled together the whole time and he moved, leaving her alone.

Jer chuckled at her expression before walking into my bedroom and to the bathroom.

The movie playing right now was Grown Ups 2, so the scene where the old guys had to get naked to jump in front of the teens and the party and into the lake, I burst out laughing along with the other girls.

Nate hasn't said anything to me yet, and it's really starting to piss me off to the point where I'm about to confront his sorry ass.

Call me a bitch, I don't care, but I'm getting mad that he's ignoring me like this.


Turning around, I saw Jeremy looking at me with concern and an unreadable expression.


"We need to talk." he stared before motioning me into my room.

Giving him a confused look, I stood up and followed him into the room.

He closed the door behind me and I turned to face him.

"Skylar, what the hell is this?"

He held up the box of pregnancy tests.

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