Chapter 39

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Today was the day that the baby furniture is supposed to get here, and I'm actually really nervous for some reason.

I'm afraid that it will look dumb or something broke in the truck that is delivering everything.

Yesterday I went to the Ultrasound people to have another checkup, but this time Nate came.

We still don't talk that much, but I'm happy, so I don't care.

It's been three and a half weeks since we ordered everything, so it should be looking good.

I hope..

It was about eleven in the morning when I heard the truck stop in front of my house, and everyone was eating the breakfast I made, so we were all ready to get to work.

I washed the dishes and finished as soon as the doorbell rang.

Kayla started getting up, but I stopped her.

"I got it."

She sent me a look I couldn't figure the meaning of, but I continued for the door.

A man maybe I his early forties stood at the door with a clipboard and big boxes were behind him.

"Is there a.. Nathaniel Knight here?" he asked.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion.


"I will need his signature."

"For what?" I asked.

"Well it's mandatory if you want the stuff." he said, looking at me funny.

"Why would he sign if I bought them?" I asked.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the person the order got paid for is under the name of Nathaniel Knight."

I gaped at what he meant.

Nate bought them?

But I remember Paisley getting ready to buy everything..

Damn it!

I fell asleep! He could have easily entered his card number!

A hand lightly moved me to the side and Nate stepped up to the guy "Im Nathaniel Knight" he said, taking the clip board and signing.

"Have a nice day folks" He said before walking back to the eighteen wheeler and driving off.

Nate and I stood in silence before I looked at him "You didn't have to do that you know?"

"I know, but I think that since I'm the dad, it's necessary."

"Well.... Thank you.'' I said softly just as everyone came to the door.

"Lets get started!" Jeremy said excitedly, clapping his hands like an excited eight year old girl.

I chuckled at him.

"Okay. Guys, the cushions and stuff like that are in a different box, so y'all go ahead and take the heavy stuff upstairs while we take everything out and we can put the nightstand together.

Everyone agreed and I picked up the box that held the bedding before walking into the living room and flopping down on my sofa.

"Lets get started, shall we ladies?" Paisley smiled widely as she set down the small mattress wrapped in plastic down in front of my coffee table.

"We shall" Kayla said excitedly as she opened up a box and started taking out pillows and cushions inside of plastic bags.

"Okay, these three are for the crib, this is for the hairs and these are for the changing table." I said as I moved them in three different piles.

"Lets look at the bedding." Kayla suggested.

"Actually, I'm gonna wash it before we put it on just because in case they didn't before they wrapped it up and it's all nasty."

They nodded their heads and I took the package before walking upstairs to the laundry room.

As I passed by the baby's room, I saw the guys almost done with the changing table and it looked even better then the picture, probably because its actually here..

I took the darks out of my washer before tossing them in my dryer and started the washer.

After putting in Tide and Oxi Clean, I put the bedding in and put the setting as low just in case.

You can never be too sure!

That being done, I headed back downstairs and saw Paisley putting the plastic pillow case thing for the changing table over half of the cushion.

Kayla was screwing in screws on the night stand and had shelves and buckets all around her from that and the changing table.

Along with paying for it, Nate also got a cute white lamp to go on the night stand, so I started screwing in the light bulb and attaching the pieces together.

"You all done yet ladies?" Jeremy grinned as he walked downstairs.

"Almost" I said "I just have to finish the night stand. Its almost done though, I suck at doing this.."

"Here, let me."

I looked up and saw Nathaniel holding his hand out, patiently waiting for me to hand him the screwdriver.

"Thanks" I said, looking down at the ground as I handed it to him before walking over to the sofa and taking a seat.

We all talked and laughed for about ten or fifteen minutes until Nate was done and we grabbed everything before heading upstairs.

The crib was the only thing not done, but it looked about half way there because it was standing and a few pieces were on the floor next to it.

A few days the guys made me draw out how I wanted the room to be arranged, so they had everything already in it's place.

I walked over to the changing table before sliding the baskets on the shelves and putting the cushion in the hole on the very top where it goes.

Kayla placed the night stand next to the crib with the lamp on top and the bins in the slots.

Nate started hammering some white shelves that I had gotten into the wall above the dresser next to the door where I had wanted them and everything looked good.

The chair sat next to the window, in between that and the night stand and had the foot rest in front of it.

Everything looked great.

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