Chapter 24

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Thanks to these damn hormones, tears rolled down my face just hearing those words leave her mouth.

Jeremy looked at me with a wide smile while Paisley and Kayla started squealing with excitement.

"A little boy?" I asked, it almost coming out as a whisper.

"Congratulations" Karlie smiled, grabbing a towel and started wiping the gel off of my belly.

"Can I get some of those pictures?" I asked.

"Of course! Ill be right back, you guys can start setting up a new appointment during your fifth month and ill being the pictures out to you."

I nodded my head and crawled off the bed with Jeremy's assistance before we all walked down the hallways and out to the waiting area.

"How can I help you sweetie?" The old lady at the desk asked.

"Hi, I need to schedule my next appointment." I stated.

"Of course.. Name?"

"Skylar Bradley."

She started typing on her computer before looking up at me.

"Ok Skylar, would Tuesday, October ninth be okay?"

"That'd be alright, what time?"

"There is two thirty or eleven fifteen"

"Ill take the eleven fifteen" I smiled.

"Okay dear, here you go, have a nice day" she started, handing me some papers.

"Thanks" I smiled, grabbing the papers and turning around to find Karlie holding the pictures.

"Thank you" I grinned, taking the pictures and looking at the pictures of my baby boy I just looked over and smiled.

"So where now?" Paisley asked, putting her arm in mine.

"I don't know.. Food?"



"Lets go"

Every one said at the same time.

Bryson didnt say anything, just smiled shyly at me and I grinned before throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"Lets go Brysy"


"Yup, you like the name?"

Instead of answering, he shook his head in amusement.


We all managed to squeeze into a single booth at Pizza Hut and I sat between Bryson and Kayla while Paisley and Jeremy sat across from us, holding hands under the table.

We all just sat and looked at eachother waiting to start a conversation before Paisley squealed.

"I can't take it anymore! What are you gonna name him? Do you know what his room is gonna be? Do you think he-"

"Paisley!" I laughed, shutting her up. "I have not thought of any of this yet, calm down woman!"

She pouted her bottom lip before nodding her head "Okay but I'm just too excited.."

"I know, we all are but you're jut crazy" I grinned.

"Thanks love"

"So what is this about you moving out?" Jeremy asked, changing the subject.

"Well, mom is definitely not gonna let me stay home, so I'm gonna get an apartment."

"Who will watch over the baby or what about school?"

"I haven't thought of everything yet. Just calm down all of you!" I laughed.

They are so right though, being a mom is a huge responsibility..


"So when are you gonna go looking?" Kayla asked.

"I don't know, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I need to move before I get bigger and can't or before school starts."

"But that's two weeks!"

"Which is why I have to hurry" I shrugged, grinning.

"I want to come" She smiled.

"Okay, any one else?"

I looked over at Bryson to see him smiling "Ill go."

Nodding my head, I sent him a thankful look an turned back to everyone.

"You?" I asked Paisley and Jeremy.

"Can't Charles needs me to help him with something and I invited Pais along." Jeremy smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Okay then..

"Okay, so it's just us three! I'm cool with that!" I laughed.

"So today or tomorrow?" Bryson asked, straightening up a bit.

"How about tomorrow? We don't work tomorrow, so there's no problem. Ill do some research tonight and we can go hunting tomorrow?"

"Sounds good" He smiled.

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