Chapter 23

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**Four weeks later**

Unlike most every other working place, Sabrina pays me every weekend for everything that I did that week and now I have close to 1.6k which is actually good money for a waitress to make in one month....

Bryson and I have gotten pretty close I guess you could say.

His name is Bryson Rodriguez and he is eighteen years old.

Bryson's mom held him back in eighth, so he's gonna be attending my school this year and I introduced him to my friends when we all went to the movies together one weekend when the two of us were off.

He now knows that I'm pregnant because a noticeable bump has formed on my belly and it obviously not because I'm fat.

Maybe it's because I'm three and a half months pregnant..


I have already had one ultrasound, but that was just to hear the heartbeat and see if the baby is healthy. Today me and everyone are going to find out the gender!!

I seriously can. Not. Wait!

I'm kind of hoping its a girl, then I can always dress her up and play with her.

If it was a guy I would love him just the same..

In the month and a half that I've been out of school, I've only seen Nate once.

On accident too.

He came into the diner one night with a few scary looking guys but I had Bryson serve them while I hung out with Sabrina in the back.

I know, Im a coward....

He looked like death though.

I'm really worried about him.

His face had bruises on it and his arms were covered in them and scratches.

Obviously from fights.

His skin was dangerously pale and his eyes were really dark, from loss of sleep.

Yeah, it's easy to say that there are still feelings that I have for him somewhere.

He obviously doesn't feel the same, but I try to let it not hurt me.

Which I fail miserably..

Mom still has no idea that I'm pregnant because she has been gone for a few weeks, but she did apologize finally by doing the unthinkable.

She bought me a freaking car!!

Oh but not just any car.. A black Audi R8. The absolute sexiest and fastest car in the world! (In my opinion..)

She went completely over the top, but I did not complain..

"So are you gonna come or not?" I asked Bryson as I grabbed all of my things and headed for the door.

"If you want me to I can" he smiled shyly.

I grinned before wrapping my arm around his shoulder "Lets go buddy boy."

We walked together to the car that was parked outside of the diner before leaving the parking lot and heading for the Ultrasound place where my friends would meet us.

The big building came into eyesight and my eagerness got even more eager the closer we got.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited..

Paisley and Jeremy's cars were parked on each side of an empty car space, so I of course parked in there and hopped out.

"You ready?" Jer smirked, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"You bet" I smiled.


The lady in the room with us who was doing the ultrasounds name was Karlie.

Karlie set up the computer and tv screen while we all watched her in silence.

At last, she turned off the lights in the room to where only the tv light glowed and walked over to the bed.

"Are you ready Sky?" She asked, popping open a bottle of lotion- or the gel stuff.


She grinned and nodded her head before rubbing the cold gel over my bump and grabbed the monitor, lifting it up above it and swiping it along.

"So if you'll stay really quiet, you can hear the small heartbeat from those speakers" she said, pointing.

The monitor laid on my belly in the gel for a few minutes before Karlie turned a switch and the familiar sound of my baby's heartbeat rung in my ears.

Smiles came to everyone's faces at the sound and Jeremy took my hand in his, earning a slightly hurt face from Paisley.

I swear, there is something there.

Even if its just a spark!

A black and white picture came up on the flat screen and Karlie walked over to it.

She started explaining what part of the picture was what, which I could kind of already tell.

My baby has already gotten pretty big, so I knew hat the baby even was and you could see the head, fingers and arms.

If only Nathaniel could be here..

Tears brimmed in my eyes at the thought of him not being in my babies life and it made me think of my dad, he left me and that hurt but I actually had time with him, my baby didn't.

"-So the little guy is pretty healthy" I caught Karlie saying.

"Wait.. Little guy?" I asked, confused.

"Yes Skylar, you're having a little boy."

It's Hard To Love A FighterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora