Chapter 8

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Nate drove down a street in the downtown area where there is so many ghetto buildings with graffiti and abandoned cars and buildings.

We have been driving for about fifteen minutes now and finally he stopped the car in front of a huge building with scary looking people standing all outside.

Immediately, Nate grabbed my arm before I stepped out of the car before saying "Stay with me the whole time until we find Jeremy."

I nodded my head as he stepped out of the car and I followed his movements.

He walked around to the passenger side and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me protectively against him.

Together, Nathaniel and I went up to the door where a big bald guy stood, looking at me.

A tattoo of a snake was on his head and he wore chains along with baggy clothes that revealed his painted skin.

"Knight." The guy spoke, nodding at Nate before opening the door behind him, letting us go in.

Shouting and screaming filled my ears the farther we walked and the smell of alcohol, smoke, and sweat liked my nose.

Awful combination.

I'm trying so hard not to puke....

Nate opened a door for me leading to a huge room that had a boxing arena in the very middle.

Drunk people were all over the place yelling at the two huge guys who were currently fighting in the ring and a bunch of girls wearing barely anything glared at me while guys checked out my ass.

They be creepin..

As we walked further into the room, I huddled closer to Nate and wrapped my arm around his back, trying hard not to look how I felt.

Scared to death.

This place is scary!!

So much for the bad ass vibe..

"There he is." Nate said over the noise, pointing into the crowd.

I followed his finger until I saw Jeremy talking to some guy holding a suitcase and we started walking towards him.

About half way there, we were stopped.

"Knight. How great it is to see you."

Holy shit..

A really big, buff guy stepped in front of us along with two even bigger guys behind him.

Like body guards.

The dude had short black hair, a scratch above his left eyebrow, a broad jaw and dark brown eyes, that were glaring at Nate.

Nathaniel was glaring right back at the guy and pushed me behind him protectively.

In a split second, Jeremy was there, standing by his side, completely blocking me from the men.

"Rodriguez" Nate spat with venom.

His gaze looked over Nate and Jeremy until his eyes stopped on me.

"Who might this be?" He asked with a devilish smirk.

"None of your damn business." Nate took a threatening step forward.

'Rodriguez' raised his hands up in surrender and turned back to me.

"I'm Rodriguez sweetie."

Oh please.. Im not a baby!

I didn't answer and glanced at Nate, who was watching the both of us like a hawk.

"That's a pretty necklace you got there." he commented.

On my neck sat the necklace Nate had bought me for my birthday.

"Thanks" I mumbled, looking up at the guy.

He grinned before looking back at Nate.

"Well I should be going. It was nice seeing you Knight. Till we meet again."

He looked at me at the last part.

"I can assure you that won't happen." Nate growled. "Lets go Skylar."

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