Chapter 7

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Silence filled the room as everyone stared at me and Nate waiting for an answer and Nate turned to me with an amused smirk.

"Oh! Um.." I forced a laugh "We made new songs on my keyboard!"

His smirk immediately fell and I felt bad a little bit.

Jeremy and Kayla looked unconvinced while Paisley just shrugged and continued eating.

"You're lying" Jeremy spoke.

"I am not!"

"Yes you are! Your eye always twitches when you lie!"

How does he notice this?!

Looking down at my plate, a blush came to my cheeks as I thought about last night.

I mean who wouldn't? He told me he loved me. He made love to me. He gave me a beautiful present. God!!

An arm wrapped around my waist and Jeremy's signature smirk came to his face as he looked between Nate and I.

"That must have been a good birthday."

My mouth dropped open and Kayla and Paisley repeated my action.

"Oh my God! You guys finally did it?!" Kayla yelled. "I won the bet!!"

"The bet?!" I screeched.

Paisley and Jer groaned, pulling out their wallets and each giving her a twenty dollar bill.

"So not cool." Nathaniel shook his head, smirking at Jeremy.

"Skylar? A word please?" Kayla asked, yanking me out of my chair and her and Paisley pulled me down the stairs and into the lounge.

"How was he?!" Paisley squealed.

Of course..

"I'm not saying!"

"Come on Sky! How big was he?"

"Dude! I not saying anything!" I laughed.

Kayla groaned and playfully glared at me. "But were your best friends Sky!"

"I know but he's my boyfriend and what we do in the bedroom is our business.."

They both sighed over dramatically and before agreeing with me and changing the subject.


Guys! I really hate it when people skip to days later in the middle of a chapter, but I seriously have no idea on what to write until the interesting parts, so I had no choice but to go ahead a few weeks!



*Almost three weeks later*

"Come on Nate, please?!" I groaned.

He pulled the shirt over his head and turned to me.


I groaned "That's not fair! I wanna see you and I have Jer!"

He glared "Its too dangerous Skylar!"

"I don't care! For the thousandths time, I have Jeremy, nothing will happen!" I begged, pulling puppy dog eyes.

In case you haven't guessed, Nathaniel just got a text about a fight in two hours, and we are fighting on if I can go or not.

He sighed "Why should I let you go?"

I grinned sheepishly "Because you love me?"

Nate groaned and rubbed a hand down his face before pulling something out of his backpack by my door and walking towards me.

"Keep this on you the whole time." he said in his low dangerous voice as he held out a hand with a black pocket knife in it.

I gulped hardly and nodded my head before taking the knife with my shaking hands.

"Go get dressed. Not something revealing, too many guys."

I nodded my head before rushing to my closet.

It's such a turn on when he gets possessive!

We haven't done it again yet, in case your wondering..


Looking through my closet, I debated I my choices before settling with the regular bad ass look so no one will think to mess with me, I can pull it off..

I grabbed some dark skinny jeans, a white t shirt and a big red bow before slipping the clothes on and walking towards the mirror.

After throwing my hair in a cute messy bun with a poof, I put the bow in and slipped into my leather jacket and combat boots.

When I walked into the bedroom again, Nate examined me from top to bottom before nodding his head In approval and nodding towards the door for us to leave.

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