Chapter 30

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One day.

One day until I finally see him.


Oh God I've missed him.

Yup, tomorrow is the last first day of school for me and I'm gonna finally have to face him.

I might have thrown up once or twice just thinking about it, but my friends were here to help so everything is all good.

They are all going to spend the night at the apartment tonight, so we are all gonna spend the rest of our freedom together.

I haven't heard from mom at all, which I'm grateful for and Jeremy has finally asked Paisley out on a date.

Actually it's more like a 'hangout' as he puts it, but their going to the movies alone and then a carnival down the road.

I have paid for six months of my rent already so I don't have to worry about money for that for a while and I still have a couple thousand for groceries and anything else.

Four months pregnant does that to you..

Makes you more stressed.




"Who is it?" I called out as I continued folding my clothes in te living room.

"The most awesome people you will ever meet!" Bryson called out.

"Come in" I smirked.

Bryson and I have gotten really close.

Seriously, he is just like Jeremy when you get to know him and he isn't shy anymore. At least, not with me.

Or Kayla or Jeremy or Paisley.

He even helped me make a new mix on my keyboard! If that doesn't make him like the best friend ever, I don't know what does!

It's not every day to find a funny guy who is your best friend who knows and likes doing keyboards and making mixes!!

We all went shopping yesterday and the guys complained a lot as the girls and I got our nails done and our eyebrows waxed.

I managed to find a bunch of cute clothes that actually fit and some that were too big, that I would grow into.


Some people from school were there, so some already know about me, which lets me know that half the school probably knows by now.

Oh well, they're gonna find out anyways....

Every one piled into the living room and Kayla pulled me ito a hug.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine" I sighed. "Just freaking out."

"It's gonna be fine. Besides, you have us and if anyone messes with you ill pound their face in" Jeremy put a hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

I was about to burst out laughing but there was no humor in his voice, so I knew he was serious.


"Thanks Jer.."

"No problem kiddo, now don't be so down! We need to get this party started! We only have.... 13 hours of freedom left!

Sure enough, it was six in the evening and I mentally groaned.

"What do you guys want to do?"

"Movie night, duh!" Paisley laughed, pulling out my stack of scary movies.

"Insidious two!" I yelled.

"Gosh woman! Calm down!" Bryson laughed, plopping down next to me.

"Hey! I love that movie!" I laughed.

He chuckled and put an arm on the back of the chair behind me.

It was actually pretty comforting..

All through the movie all I could think of was him.

What would he think hen he saw me?

Would he make fun of me?

Decline being the dad?

Call me a whore?

Hurt me?

I know he's capable of that..

A tear escaped my eye at the thought and a thump wiped it up slowly.

Looking up, my eyes met with Bryson and he gave me a comforting smile.

"It's okay." He whispered, pulling me into his arms.

I inhaled his axe cologne and sighed peacefully as my mind started shutting down and my eyes became heavier.

"I'm here for you" Was the last thing I heard before falling into a deep slumber.


Nate's POV is in the next chapter!!!

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