Chapter 17

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My face flushed and my body turned really cold as I looked at the box in his hands.

"How did you find those?" I asked, it coming out as a whisper.

"I was getting a hand towel after I washed my hands. I found these down there."

I looked down at my feet and avoided eye contact.

"Please don't tell him."

A sigh sounded in my ears before Jer walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"What do I have to tell? You haven't taken the test yet."

"Don't tell hi I have the test in the first place.." I mumbled.

"I won't" he assured "But when you do, you need to tell him. He has a right to know. Even if its negative."

I nodded my head and pulled out of his embrace.

"Thanks Jer." I whispered, wiping away the stray tears that fell before walking out of the room without waiting for an answer.

"What was that about?" Kayla asked as I sat back down.

Paisley watched me from beside her wanting the same answer and I shrugged "He wanted to know if I could host the end of school year party here but I said no because mom would kill me."

Paisley nodded "Oh yeah, it's at my house this year so you have nothing to worry about except what to wear."

I nodded and turned back to the tv, watching the rest of the movie.


"Thanks for having us over Sky." Paisley smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, I hope you feel better too." Kayla smirked, elbowing me.

They walked out with Jeremy and he sent me a reassuring smile.

Nate looked ahead as he headed through the door but I grabbed his arm before he could make it through the door.

He looked down at me with a scowl and I gulped lowly before holding my head up.

"What the hell is your problem?" I growled, scowling back.

His scowl turned into a glare.

"What do you mean what is my problem?"

"I mean you keep ignoring me and won't even look at me! What's wrong?"

A hint of hurt flashed in his eyes but it left as soon as it came and anger was in his eyes.

Nate laughed humorlessly before saying "You thought I actually loved you? You were good for one thing and that was sex."

I gaped as tears filled my vision. "But-"

"No, you heard me Skylar. I never loved you, I jut said that so u could get you into bed which I did, so you're as good as nothing now."

His expression held no motion as tears spilled down my face and I nodde my erad looking down.

"Okay." I whispered.

Nate stood there just a few moments longer before he walked away and I saw everyone on the sidewalk looking at me with big eyes as Nate walked down the road into the night.

"Oh my God. Sky-"

Before Paisley could reach me, I shut my door and sunk down to the floor crying.

I let everything out that I had held in since those words left his mouth and I held my head in my hands.

Knocking and voices came from my friends outside the door trying to get me to come back out but I ignored them and stood up.

I need to do something..

Wiping my tears up, I walked back down the stairs and into my bathroom before grabbing the box of tests.

I ripped the top off and grabbed the two tests from the inside before taking the wrappers off and sitting on the toilet.

Then, I followed the directions and sat the test on the sink as they developed the results.

Five minutes.

That's all I have to wait.

Four minutes.

While waiting, I washed my face of the tears and threw my hair in a messy bun.

One minute.

Fuck this..

Walking back into the bathroom, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking down at the two sticks that both had the same results.


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