Chapter 12

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Second period felt like it went by forever because just next period I will be with Nate, who I haven't spoken to all morning.

He refuses to make eye contact also, which makes me know something is up, but I didn't push it.

Of course Jeremy has also noticed Nathaniel's change since yesterday and asked me about it in first period, but I responded with a simple 'I don't know' and continue thinking of things that pissed him off.

Maybe it's because he's tired? Or maybe it's the guy who tried to stab him at the rink? Or maybe it's Rodriguez.. By the look of Nate's face when he sees him, there is obvious hate.

I just hope I didn't do anything wrong without realizing it.

Things have gotten so good between us!

Of course to me it has..


He probably hates me for some reason!

Calm down Sky..

Calm down Sky..

Whoo! Im all worked up now..

I really want some peanut butter right now..

Like seriously..

My cravings for peanut butter has gotten insane in like the past week.

I don't mind though, I seriously love the taste..

"So are you sure you're all ready?" Mrs Morgan interrupted my thoughts as she spoke to the class.

Grumbled and replies of yes echoed through the room as I looked up from my desk.

O yeah! The play is in a week...

With school being out just the week after, they moved the date closer to get it done before school starts.

I just don't want to fall on my face right in the middle of a dance..

Or have my voice crack in a song..

That would be so embarrassing!

"Okay! Well practice will be tomorrow after school until seven thirty, so make sure to bring some work out clothes to dance in."

I nodded my head and started gathering my stuff to leave just as the bell rang.

Here goes nothing..

The hallways were packed when I stepped out of the classroom, so my hopes of maybe even seeing him outside of the classroom dropped and I continued for the next period.

As soon as I walked in, I spotted mine and Nate's partnered desks and smiled.

It quickly left when I saw him staring at the front with an expressionless face.

Sighing, I walked to my desk and sat my books down.

"Are you okay Nate?" I asked softly, placing a hand on his back.

He immediately moved away and gave me a look of pure disgust.

"I'm fine." he stated gruffly.

What the hell is his problem?!

Tense silence sat with us all during third period and even fourth and fifth.

When lunch came around, it wasn't as bad because everyone else was there, but Nate sat at the end of the table away from me and sat in silence, smoking a cigarette.

"What the hell kind of food is this?" Jer asked in a disgusted tone, messing around with the grey glob of tater tot caserole on his plate.

"I don't know but I'm definitely not eating that." Paisley groaned.

"Come on guys, it doesn't look that bad!" I stated cheerfully.


It seriously looked like alien shit..

Jeremy looked at me with a disgusted face before smirking.

"So you wouldn't mind doing the honors?"

He pushed his plate of alien shit towards me and I gulped.

"Of c-course not!" I laughed nervously.

Picking up the spoon, I stared at the food for a few seconds before picking up some and shoving it in my mouth.

I think it tastes as bad as it looks..

The alien shit tasted like raw milk and mold, but I ignored the taste and continued eating, trying so hard not to throw up.

Everyone stared at me in awe as I took the last bite of shit while Nate sat back with his cigarette and just stared at something else with a bored expression.

Why is he acting like this?

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