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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

The days went on. The the funeral came. Jackie, Troye, Zoe, Lance and many more were there. Everyone cried. Then Troye got up to give his speech.

"Hello everyone, I was one of Tyler's best friends" barley to continue on he cried but kept reading.

"To him, I was just one of his many best friends, but to me, he was my best friend. I loved Tyler. I remember our kiss. That one kiss on the vidcon stage. I will never forget it, I know he's with Lance now. Well, not really. I miss Tyler more than anything. To be honest Tyler was the love of my life. I loved him so much! I can't believe he's gone."

Troye looked up at the sky as if he was speaking to heaven.

"Tyler, I know you're up there. I love you, remember that" troye finished and went back to his seat next to Jackie and cried into her shoulder.

Then Anna got up.

"Goodmorning, beloved friends of Tyler, I know he thought of us all as family though." She paused and looked up.

"Tyler, was an amazing young man, he had so much to live for. I've know Tyler for what feels like forever. Zoe, Joe, Tyler, and I all grew up together (I know they didn't but oh well). We always used to play silly little games, and Tyler would always try and hit on Joe" she smiled.

"Tyler, I love you. I miss you. So does everyone else. Thank you for being a part of my life. I hope you have unlimited drinks in heaven" she let out a small laugh, then she came and sat down next to me.

I put my arm around her and we cried. Then Jackie got up.

"It's nice to see you all today. I know you were all Tyler's family and he's told me plenty of stories about every single one of you. Tyler was my little boy. He was my pride and joy. I didn't care that he was gay, I loved him anyway. I am so proud of Tyler for everything he's accomplished in the 24 years he's been alive. He has helped raise so much money for other teens struggling in the Trevor project. For me to say that my little boy, the love of my life, is gone, He always called my Queen Jackie. And he will forever be my little prince Tyler." she cried as she walked back to her seat.

The funeral went on and we got to the part where we would all pay our respects to tyler. i brought a few pictures of us together. It was an open casket. Seeing his lifeless body, he was so pale. His glasses were still on. He was dressed in all his favorite suit. I placed the pictures by his hands. I stepped away and back to my seat. Anna also had some pictures, she also had a scrapbook and some flowers.

After the funeral we went to the burial. He was buried and then we all went home.

***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

Connor and I drove home quietly. His sister Nicola was visiting for the weekend so she was watching Xavier for us. We got home and moped up to our apartment. Connor opened the door and we stepped in. Anna was holding Xavier on the couch.

"Hey guys, are you okay?" she asked getting up.

"Well one of my best friends is dead" Connor cried and hugged Nicola.

"It's ok, we all miss him" Nicola said.

She pulled me into the hug with her and Connor and we all cried. When we released ourselves from the hug, we all looked at each other with red faces and puffy eyes.

"Nicola, you can use the guest room" Connor said vaguely.

"Ok" she said and walked off to the guest room.

Connor looked at me and placed his hands on my arms. He rubbed my arms and looked Into my eyes.

"I promise you, no matter what, Tyler is always going to be with us, he would want us to be happy and move on, I'm sure it kills him even more to see that we are so upset" he kissed my forehead as I nodded in agreement.

"I think I'll take a nap" I said grabbing Xavier.

"I'll come" he smiled.

I put Xavier into his room then went to bed with Connor. We didn't really sleep, we just kinda stayed silently awake. I turned to look at him staring with his amazing green eyes at the ceiling.

"At least we have each other" I said and kissed him before falling asleep.

From 2 worlds (a Connor franta fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now