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***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

We pulled up to the bar and I ran out of the car. I got to the entrance to see a security guard.

"Id?" he asked connor and I.

I pulled out my wallet and showed him my card, connor did the same.

"I don't see your names on the list" he said looking on a clipboard.

"You don't understand, her brothers in there!" Connor said.

"Well congratulations, that must mean your brother was on the list, you aren't so leave" he said sternly.

"Fine" I turned around and Connor and I went over to the back of the building.

"What's our plan?" he asked.

"Ok um..." I looked around and saw a back entrance, no security guard.

"From this door" I ran over to it Connor following.

He took the door handle with his hand and turned it.

"It's locked" he said.

"Well" I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair.

"They aren't just used for hair" I said and jiggled the Bobby pin through the door knob. It opened in one swift motion and Connor and I snook in.

"We have to find david, or if you see some Blount hair slut. That's Elizabeth" I said.


We skimmed the room passing through crowds of drunk people. I think one person grabbed my ass. Then I saw David. Elizabeth grinding on his. *cough* slut *cough* *cough*.

"Found him!" I grabbed Connor's wrist and pulled him over to David.

"Oh hey annaaaa" he slurred.

"Your drunk" I stated.

"I KNOW" he laughed.

"Your going home" I grabbed his wrist.

"I'm not goin nowhere" he said.

"YES YOU ARE" I shouted.

"He's not going anywhere" Elizabeth cuddled up to him and continued talking in her annoying high pitched voice.

"Who are you" she smirked clumsy walking over to Connor.

"That's my husband" I said angrily.

"Your married?" David asked.

"YOU WERE AT THE WEDDING" I yelled at him.

"Your hot" Anna traced her fingers over Connor's torso.

"Get off" he pushed her back.

"Oh come on" she said and smashed her lips to his. Connor pushed her off, that was the last straw.

"YOU BITCH" I yelled at her.

"What do you mean" she laughed.


She took her cheek in her hand.

"YOUR THE SLUT!" She punches under my chin.



"QUEEN OF BITCHES" she yelled.

"I take that as a compliment" I slapped her again.

Connor pulled me off and kept me away from her, I tried to struggle from him but no use.

"We should go home" Connor said.

I looked around noticing everyone was staring. I ran outside after escaping from Connors grip. I went to the car and cried.

He came into the car next to me.

"What happened?" he asked hugging me from the side.

"I'm just like I was in high school" I cried.

"No your not, she deserved it" he said.

I just continued crying.

"Your not mad at me for that? Are you?" I asked looking up at him.

"I can never stay mad at you" he kissed my lips causing me to stop from crying.

"I love you" I whispered as we drove home.


If you don't know who Elizabeth is or what the deal with how Anna was in high school go read the chapter called " fight" and "zoey" then it will make more sense, THANKS FOR READING LYA.

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