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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

I drove to sawyers house, he probably would hate me too. It was worth a shot. I got out of my car and luckily no one was around. I went up to sawyers. I knocked on the door and sawyer answered.

"Well well well, Connor Franta" he smirked.

"Sawyer, I need a huge favor"

"Connor Franta. got it on with acacia?" he questioned.

"I can explain"

"Fine come on in man" he said.

I walked in. we sat down in the bar area and I told him nearly everything.

"So how long do you think you'll stay here?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe 2-4 weeks" I said.

"Well it's cool with me, but how will we get your Career back?" he asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged and looked down at the ground.

"Is the video still up?" he asked.

"Yea" I sighed.

"I never saw it, just heard about it" he said pulling out his phone.

"Your not gonna watch it are you?" I asked.

"Dude of course I am" he laughed.

He pulled out his phone and watched it.

"Connor, I don't think that's you" he said 30 seconds into the video.

"What do you mean?" I asked stepping over to him so I could see it too.

He's right. the guy in the video wasn't as pale as me. He was taller then me too. for a split second it showed the top of his head. One blonde streak and one brown.


Why did she say it was me though, why did everyone believe her? I needed to convince everyone it wasn't me. But I didn't want to rat out ricky. Then I knew someone who people would belive it was. joey.


Short chapters longer ones to come! YAY FOR 1K

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