I told you

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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

The next morning I woke up to see Anna still asleep next to me. Even though we both made up and everything, it still just doesn't seem right.

I got up being careful not to wake her. I went into the bathroom and pulled out my anti depressants. I've been taking them for 5 months, she still Hasn't noticed hopefully she never will. I took 2 and then placed them back in the hiding place where I had them.

I went to Xavier's room and picked him out of his crib.

"Mornin little buddy" I smiled at him.

I brought him into the kitchen and put him in his height chair. I made his breakfast then mine. Anna came up from the corner all ready and dressed up.

"Goodmorning" she smiled.

"Hello, made YA some coffee" I said handing her a mug

"Thank you" she kissed my cheek.

"So the wedding is in 2 months" she smiled.

"Yea" I said fake smiling.

"Connor, this doesn't feel right" she let out.

"I know" I sighed.

"Maybe we should just separate for a while" she suggested.

"Yea, I'll ask sawyer if I can stay with him" I said.

"Ok," she walked over to me and held onto my tie.

"I love you" she said and kissed my cheek.

"Love you too" I sighed.

I went into my room and packed up. I then sat down after packing up and went on Twitter. I saw acacia post a link to a video, the caption read.

"Had a little too much fun😏"

I clicked on it to see the video she had taken of us. no. This can't be happening. i looked at the comments,

"Connor! what about ANNA?!"

"Your a jerk"

"I can't believe you did that what the hell!"

"Guess who I just unsubscribed too..."

"Damn you Connor you put shame to youtube"

I went onto you tube to see even more hate comments. I had lost over 10,000 subscribers and the number just kept dropping. I cried as I realized I was loosing my career. Everyone hated me I even had a few replies from some other youtubers.

@rickypdillon - "wow con, wasn't expecting that from you.... thought you were better then that😕"

@kianlawley- "really upset to hear about connor, that's no way to treat a lady"

@troyesivan - "@connorfranta, 😪 can't believe you rn"

I'm now loosing my best friends too.

Anna walked into the room.

"Connor, I saw the acacia video, you lost 750,000 subscribers" she sat next to me rubbing my back I kept my head in my hands.

'My career is ruined" I cried.

"We can fix this" she said.

"No we can't!" I stood up.

"You don't understand! Youtube is my life, it's what I do for a living, its were I met all of my friends!" I yelled.

"Calm down" she said.

"I can't CALM DOWN my career is ruined and its like you don't give a shit! I'm done, I'm leaving!" I grabbed my bags and left slamming the door behind me.

I heard soft cries from behind the door. I considered going back for a second, then I just kept walking.

I went outside to see people lined up at the door booing me. I don't know how they found my hotel but it made me feel even worse. I ran to the car and drove away from all the crowds.

My life is over, its ruined. Acacia is going to pay.

From 2 worlds (a Connor franta fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now