Party for the girls

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***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

Two weeks since Connor's party. Tomorrow is the wedding. Everything's planned and set to be perfect. I threw up a few times because I'm really nervous, My mom said the same thing happened to her when she was about to get married.

"Anna" Connor called me from the living room, he must have just gotten home.

I walked out to the living room to see him holding some flowers.

"These are for you" he smiled and kissed me handing me the flowers.

"That's so thoughtful" I kissed him back.

"I am heading over to grace's house tonight, Bethany, my mom, grace, tanya, Zoe, Louise, Andrea, jenn, Lauren, Arden, Mamrie, Lisa, Colleen, Lia and Rebecca are all staying there, we have a custom in our family that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding."

"Well okay" he replied bluntly.

"I have everything I need packed and Bethany is picking me up" I smiled.

"Hey Anna" he said as I started to walk away.

"Yes" I turned around and walked back toward him.

"Promise me, we will be forever and always"

"I promise" I kissed him and then pulled away.

I went into Xavier's room and pulled him out of his crib taking him into my arms.

"Mommy and daddy are getting married tomorrow!" I laughed.

"I love you little munchkin" I kissed his forehead and put him back down.

I went back to my room and saw the picture frames filled with memories lined up on the burrow.

I looked at the first picture, the time Connor and I met. His hair in that cute little quiff. I looked at the next picture, a picture of us kissing from the side. The next picture was a screen shot a fan took from the first video we did together. The picture after that was of Connor and I, I was pregnant with Xavier. The second to last picture was of Connor, Xavier and I. The final one was of Connor and I the night he proposed. I was holding the ring up while he took the picture.

I smiled at all the pictures, all the memories. Hard to believe that tomorrow I'm getting married to that goofball.

"BETHS HERE" I heard Connor yell. I Grabbed my one suit case and the bag with my dress in it.

"Hello beth!" I smile and hugged her.

"Hi" she hugged me.

"Excited?" she asked Connor and I.

"Excited and nervous" Connor answered, I nodded in agreement.

"Well, sorry con, but I'm gonna have to steal her from you, you'll see her tomorrow" beth winked.

"Ok, love you" he kissed my cheek and hugged beth.

"Bye darling!" I said walking out the door.

"So who's all in the wedding?" Beth asked as we walked out to her car.

"Well, Zoe's the maid of honor, you, Louise, Tanya, Grace, Nicola, Colleen, Mamrie and Lia are all brides maids. Connor has Ricky as his best man, then his groomsmen are Kian, Trevor, Troye, Jc, Sawyer, Alfie, Brandon, and Dustin." I said.

"K" she said.

We drove to Grace's singing songs like "shake it off" and "all about that bass" on the way. One of the most fun car rides ever, not going to lie. Once we got the Grace's I was greeted by all the ladies coming out giving me hugs, and "congratulations!".

We got into the house, we all did each other's nails, just average things. It seemed like a 12 year olds sleepover to be honest, none the less, it was fun.

Right before we went to bed I threw up again, I am extremely nervous. I shouldn't be, but I am. We all ended up going to bed at like 12:00, we didn't want to stay up because we knew tomorrow would be a late night.

Still can't believe that tomorrow I will become Mrs. Franta.



Just a little side note, this book probably isn't ending anytime soon, anyway LOVE YALL BYE TILL NEXT CHAPTER.

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