The wedding

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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

I peeked out from my door. The crowd buzzing with excitement. My parents caught me peeking and waved widely to me, I gave a small wave back. I then adjusted my tie once more and went out through the isle to where the minister was standing. The whole crowd got silent, then the music started playing and the procession began.

First Ricky and Zoe, Nicola and Brandon, Bethany and Kian, Andrea and trevor, Louise and Alfie, Lia and Jc, Grace and troye, Tanya and Sawyer, Colleen and Alfie, then Mamrie and Dustin.

Then little Xavier was the ring bearer. Anna's mom had to Guide Xavier but he still was able to do his job, and everyone though he was the cutest so the whole place was filled with "aww"s.

Then Anna. She looked absolutely amazing, stunning, gorgeous. He dad walked her down and she looked already about to cry. I almost did at that moment too. Her dad handed her off to me, then whispered in my ear before sitting down.

"Keep good care of her, I know your a good man, treat her well" Then he walked away and sat down.

"We are gathered here today to join these two in matrimony."

He went on all boring and everything then we got to the vowels.

"Connor, you can start reading your vows."

I took out the folded up paper from my coat pocket. i unfolded it and began to read.

"Anna Hensley. We didn't get off to a clean start. I can still remember you leaning over to fence at your house insulting us with your cute little comebacks. Then, I saw a different side of you. You watched some youtube videos with me and I realized so many things right there. For one, I realized you have the most adorable laugh known to human kind. Two, you have an amazing sense of humor, Three, You are beautiful on the inside and out. I noticed so many other things, But the main thing I noticed was that I was in love with you. I knew from that day that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I knew that I would, and look at us now, One kid and were here getting married. Thank you for being part of my life. I love you so much, I don't know where i would be without you."

I looked over to Anna to see the tears in her eye, taking her pointer finger she wiped them away.

"Beautiful, now onto Anna's"

Anna turned to Zoe and Zoe handed her a piece of paper. She looked over it for a second, then began.

"To be yourself is something that I wouldn't know to do, if it wasn't for you. You have taught me so many things and I can't express how grateful to you I am for that. A few days ago I was looking at the burrow in our room. we have the pictures lined up, all In order of the events. The first picture is of when we first met. you wanted to take a "selfie" as you call it with me so badly, so I let you and that was the first picture we ever had together. The next picture is of us kissing. I know how much you love to remember things, so you wanted for our first kiss to be on camera. The third picture is of a screen shot a fan took of us in our first video together, you insisted on Printing it out."

She laughed and then was almost about to cry, but she didn't.

"The next picture if of You and I when I was pregnant with Xavier, you were such a darling with that because I'm going to admit it, I was super lazy and did absolutely nothing, and you catered to my every need. The 5th picture is of Xavier, you, and I, i honestly love our family to death. The final picture is the night when you proposed, we took a picture of me holding up the ring and you posted it, your fans went absolutely crazy and we got an insane amount of compliments. I can already tell that the next picture will be of the wedding. This made me realize we have so many memories together, and I hope to make so many more" she smiled and both of us started to tear up.

"Ok, Connor Franta, do you take Anna Hensley to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and through health?"

"I do"

"Anna Hensley, do you take Connor Franta to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and health?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride."

I dipped Anna down and pressed my lips to hers while everyone clapped. I lifted her back up after the kiss and as everybody clapped in rhythm we danced down the isle, the bridal and groom party following us.

While everyone was inside for the reception the dj announced for us to come in.

"Now introducing, Mr. And mrs. FRANTAAAAAA"

Anna and I ran in and everyone clapped once again. (lots of clapping ik IK)

"Ok, now for the first dance" the dj slowed down the music and i intwined our fingers in one hand and I put the other hand on her waist while she put mine of my shoulder. We danced to the song "fly me to the moon" by frank Sinatra. We danced her head on my shoulder and mine just a little over hers.

The song finished, then she danced with her dad and I danced with my mom. Then it got to the real party, My parents and Anna's parents left. Anna's parents took Xavier with them. We all partied, had shots, typical. Its a good thing everyone is staying here because it's also a hotel.

"Ok, hope you all had a great time, so happy to be married yea!" Anna said drunk through the microphone.

I laughed at her drunken state. Everyone walked to their rooms and Anna and I walked to the honey moon suite. Rose petals lead to the bathroom and candles by a filled tub. We both stripped down and got in the tub.


She straddled me when we both got in.

I kissed down her neck and got to her chest, i massaged one and licked the other. then switched. She moaned my name several times and I moved to her stomach. I explored her entire body then made my way back to her lips.

"Ready?" I asked placing my self at her entrance.

She nodded and I slid in slowly at first then all the way. she bucked her hips on mine and I attached her lips to mine she allowed my tongue in and I explored her mouth.

"Faster" she moaned and I did as she said.

I pulled out her her and she licked the tip then put it all in. She bit down and sucked anything that came. she got back up and straddled me once again.

***end of dirty***

We went back to just regular kissing and then got out and dressed. I laid next to her and she kissed me once more before actually talking to me.

"Wow now I'm mrs. Franta"

"Yea, you better enjoy it" I smirked.


Plottwist my birthday is Friday

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