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***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

I walk into the kitchen early in the morning. I go to the counter to see a bottle of wine. Nobody would know if I took a small swig, after all I really need it.

I took the bottle and quietly pored myself a glass. It was so refreshing. Within 5 minutes I finished it. i was still craving more though. I took another one and another.

I don't remember much after that. I remember stumbling around in the kitchen. I think I made a call I don't remember it though. I stumbled back into Connor and I's room. Maybe he woke up, maybe he didn't. I don't know. after that I know I just passed out.

***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

I woke up around 9 to see Anna laying in bed. He hair was a little messed up. I went into the kitchen to see an open wine bottle and 1 cup. She probably just had a glass of wine.

I went back into my room to see Anna was up. However she was in the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom to see her throwing up.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She just responded by more throwing up.

"Anna, how many bottles of wine did you have?" I asked her.

She looked up at me.

"I don't remember maybe 5, maybe 10" she said weakly.

"Why?!" I asked.

"I needed it" she responded bluntly.

She stopped throwing up and went back to the bed.

"Anna, if this is about Tyler I know he doesn't want to see any of us like this" I rubbed her back.

"I know" she sighed.

"Promise me not to do that again"

"So it's okay for you too get drunk, but once I do it's considered wrong" she suddenly snapped back.

"This isn't about me" I said.

"Why can't I get drunk and you can?" she asked.

"Anna it was like 2:00am!" I said.

"So" she said snobbily.

"We are not going to do this right now" I scolded.

"I'm serious" she crossed her arms.

I laughed at her ridiculousness.

"If you aren't going to take me seriously maybe I should move in with Zoe until you can" she shot me an evil glance.

"Oh come on! You can't be serious, Zoe is all the way in london!" I laughed.

"Well then, I should get packing my bags" she said and walked away doing a hair flip.

"Sassy bitch" I mumbled then laughed.

There's no way she would do that. She says stuff like this all the time.

***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

I say stuff like this all the time. This time I was serious. I needed a break anyway. This is my chance to prove to him that I actually am not afraid to do something like this. I walk into my room and pack my bags. Connor soon comes in.

"Anna! Really?" he laughed. I can't believe he thinks this is a joke, I just ignored him.

"What about Xavier?" he questioned.

I turned to him, "well you always say how good of a dad you are, and I'll be back soon enough to see my little baby" I sassed.

"I know your not actually going" he said.

I continued to pack my bags, still ignoring him.

"Fine give me the silent treatment" he said and turned away out of the room.

I finished packing then called Zoe.

"Hello Anna" she answered.

"Hello, zoe, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm delightful, what about you?" she asked.

"I'm good, but could you do me a favor"

"Of course! Anything for you darling"

"Can I stay with you for like a week or something" I asked.

"Sure, why?" she questioned.

I explained to her and being the amazing friend she is still decided to let me stay.

"thank you so much! I owe you more then the world, I'll take the flight that leaves at 9:00 this evening" I said.

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow!" she smiled through the phone.

"Alright, goodbye" I said and hung up.

I looked at the time to see it was 3:00. I still had six hours so I went onto a website to book flights and booked the flight at 9pm to England.

I walked back out into the kitchen to see Connor attempting to feed Xavier.

"Finally came to apologize and tell me your not leaving huh?" he snapped.

"No, I actually am" I smirked.

"No your not" he said still thinking I was joking.

I didn't want to get into another argument so I just let it go. He'll find out soon enough. I looked down at the engagement ring on my finger. married people have fights all the time right? I'm sure this is perfectly normal for a couple... right?


OK hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Yay changed the cover, probably will change it again, don't know if I really like it, anyway, love you all😘

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