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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

"Welcome" Tyler said.

Wait, Tyler died.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Heaven bitch" he laughed.

"Wow" I laughed.

"Joey shot you" he said.

"Tyler, why did your kill yourself?" I asked.

"It's a better place up here" he said slightly smiling.

"I really-"


I was put out of my trance. I still couldn't see anything but I heard a few voices.

"HES BACK!" yelled one nurse.

"He's in a coma though" said another one.

The continued chatting amongst themselves. I just kept thinking. I was dead, now I'm in a coma. i wanted to get up and talk but I know I couldn't. I couldn't move I couldn't talk, nothing. I then heard Sawyer. just Sawyer, I didn't hear the nurses anymore, but I heard there shuffling feet out of the room.

"Hey buddy" he said.

"Well, we got him. joeys In jail. You took the bullet for me. Connor, you saved me. I can not thank you enough. you don't deserve this" he cried.

"I called a few other people too, they are all visiting different times."

He went on some more about stuff. then ended by a simple "goodbye". he left and I was left alone. I couldn't tell If i was asleep or not, I don't even know but I guess I fell asleep.


The next day I was awakened by the sound of cries. I was still in my coma though. I felt a cold hand touch mine. and two lips press against mine.

"I'm sorry" I heard the voice say.

Only one person I know does that, her cute British accent, cold small hands. Anna.

"Connor, I love you. I never wanted any of this to happen. please wake up, I know you can. I know it could take everything in you, please" she silently cried.

"I love you so much. There's no way to describe it. your always there for me when I need you. your a wonderful father. You are so romantic and sweet. You can always make me laugh. Your my best friend. I love you, I want to be able to get married. I want Xavier to grow up with you at his side. I love you more then you love the Internet." she left a slight laugh out.

"I really love you" she said and kissed me once more.

I wanted to tell her I love her too. I just couldn't find it in me to do that. I just couldn't get up. I wanted to kiss her back and tell her I love her, and that I'm sorry. But I couldn't.

She stayed with me for a while more, I could tell because of her cries next to me.

"Goodbye Connor" I heard her say and then I heard her heels click against the floor and out the door.

I just wanted to wake up. more then anything. I wanted to express my feelings. I knew there was no way I could do that though.

***ANNAS P.O.V.***

The wedding is still planned. In 4 months Connor and I are supposed to get married. I want him to wake up and kiss me back and be the Connor franta I met when I first moved here. I miss that part of him. I know he can change.

Now he's in a coma. I wait day by day, I go to visit him, sometimes with Xavier, sometimes without. I have everything planned for the wedding. It's been one month since he's been in his coma. I walk in to the room Connor and I shared. I went into my closet to see my wedding dress I held it up to my body and looked in the body length mirror by the door. Maybe I wouldn't get married. Everything I said to Connor that first day. i meant it all. I have never met another soul like Connor Franta and I never will.

Months have passed by, 3 to be exact. Xavier's a year old. Connor missed his first birthday, first word, and first steps all because of this bloody coma. the wedding is scheduled in exactly a month. I should reschedule it, but there's still a part of me with hope. With hope that he will wake up. With hope he still loves me. I still have hope.


Ok, I feel like my past three chapters have been kinda short, promise to make more drama filled chapters soon enough! thanks for reading!!!!!!

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