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(Of course this is what every one has been waiting for~ plus, this is the last segment, so deal with it boi 👌 plus my last exams are incoming so won't be updating much.)

Kai and Yuki watched as Kaede and Ryoma interacted with Wyatt, Kasumi, Anne, James and Faith.

Wyatt and Kasumi were Sayuri's offspring.

Anne and James were Daichi and Akiro's offspring.

Faith was Ignatius' and Cupid's offspring.

"Pregnant with your third, are we?"
"Aye. Thinking of having five kids."
"I'm surprised you can deal with your two, they're quite energetic."
"Aye...they make me so sleepy."
"How is being an art teacher going?"
"They're little shits. They said to me "OH MISS YOU LOOK LIKE A FECKING WALRUS." Then I said "At least I didn't throw myself through the window like a fucking idiot.""
"Got him there, Sayuri."
"Indeed. How is being an author going?"
"...I throw books at people. Kai has a job??"
"...what." Kai looked at her in confusion. Why the fuck did his wife not even know? Don't look at me goat bitch (says me who created this character and I love him to bits as he's the not-so-innocent-cinnamon-roll but only I can take the mick so feck off sinners.)
"I work as a manager at a cafe."
"Which our kids steal from-"
"-what?" She faked complete innocence whilst her children spun on the fecking swing as if they had no other choice and ended up doing a fantastic flip in the air, and did a fabulous kick at Wyatt. Kasumi looked at her brother and shouted a dramatic "no" as if he were dead even though he was fine. I think...

(A:N:No children were killed in the making of this chapter 😂👌)

"Akiro just thrusted a portal behind you and is doing a pedo face. AKIRO FECK OFF. NO ONE WANTS YOU TO THRUST-"

The children ran around the playground, or wherever this is as I didn't pick a setting but feck you this is the last chapter I'm sad bitch, whilst the 'adults' talked. Yuki was wondering how Sayuri wanted more kids (as she feared of dealing with very aggressive demon spawn). Overall everyone seemed happy. It probably would stay like that. Hopefully. They all smiled, wondering what these fucktards would grow to be like.

(A/N:this entire thing is a joke so don't get offended. If you are reading this just to find material to get offernded by, you can fuck off. Good day, you twat.

I loved writing this and I will miss it. For now, keep smiling my beans, and let's hope I can be arsed to make a sequel! Good day, old chap.)

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