Chapter 1

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I locked my phone and opened my computer. My screen was Kathryn and I. We have been best friends since I could remember. We do everything together. She is my long lost sister. I don't think we have ever gotten into a big fight. She knows everything about me. I haven't seen her in person in 4 years. We have video chatted and texted almost every chance we can. I'm beyond excited for today because we were going to college together. I'm finally going to see her in person.

Most girls our age want to stay in the United States for college. Not Kathryn and I, we were headed to London. Neither of our parents were exactly happy about it but we begged and they finally let us go. 

They always say opposites attract, and opposites we are. I'm pretty crazy all the time. Kathryn keeps me in line. She can be crazy too you just have to get to know her. Once you've befriend Kathryn shes a ball of crazy. Me on the other hand, we don't even have to be friends and I will be crazy. 

I have a pretty flirty personality I guess. Flirting comes naturally to me. Kathryn is more reserved and quiet. We balance each other out really well. Kathryn pushes me to my full potential and I wouldn't be where I am today without her. I push her to go out of her comfort zone and have fun. 

We give each other the confidence that we need. 

"Flight 23456 to London is now boarding" I closed my computer and went to get on the plane. The plane ride from Miami to London is 9 hours. I had rented several movies but I spent most of the plane ride sleeping. These days I got no sleep. I spent a lot of the nights out or picking out furniture for our apartment. 


"Flight attendant prepare the cabin for landing" I sat up and looked out the window. I saw Big Ben and the Eye. This was so exciting. I was going to live in London with my best friend. 

I haven't seen Stephanie in 4 years. Her dad's job had been relocated from Atlanta(where I live) to Miami. For Stephanie she was going home, she had been born there but moved to Atlanta when she was really little. That was when we met. I remember the day like it was yesterday.


My dad, sister, and I had gone on a walk around the neighborhood. We saw the new neighbors playing in their yard for the first time since they had moved here. My dad talks to everyone so he introduced himself to the owner of the house. My dad introduce me and my sister to him and he said he had two daughters the same age. My sister and I were really excited to meet them. 

They came over to where we were and said hello. Nicole was my sisters age and Stephanie was mine. That day we played for the rest of the day and thus began our sisterhood.


I turned on my phone when we landed and I had a text from Stephanie

Stephanie: Landed ;) waiting in baggage claim

You: Just landed met you thereeeee

When I got off the plane I literally ran to baggage claim. When I got there I saw a familiar brown haired, tanned skin, tall girl with a hot pink suitcase. She turned her head and screamed. 

"KATSY!" Our voices have always been pretty loud, everyone looked at us like we were crazies. "STEPH" She ran up to me and gave me a huge bear hug. "Oh my goodness I missed you so freakin much!" She said as she hugged me again and then we walked to the baggage carousel. "I missed you too!" 

We grabbed out bags and got a cab. "This is going to be amazing," She squealed. "I know! I'm so excited." We both couldn't stop smiling. 

We had done our research and were staying in the best apartment building in London. We had picked out a really fun room theme and our apartment resembled us completely.

When we got to the building we got our keys and went to the flat. We unpacked our stuff and it took about 4 hours. "We have a shit load of stuff," Stephanie said as she collapsed on the her bed. I laughed, "I know but its finally all done." I closed my closet and sat down on her bed. 

"Are you gonna dance here?" She asked while she was checking her facebook. "Yea I think so, I just gotta find a studio," "Thats awesome!' She put her phone down. "You gonna do anything extra?" I asked her. "Yea I'm gonna model. I have a meting soon with an agency that models for like the top designers here." She smiled, "What do you want to do tonight?" I shrugged. "We should go out!" I shook my head. 

"We have to there is no food here, do you expect me to starve?!" She said and I laughed. Stephanie could eat like a grown man and not get fat. "Ok, we can go to dinner," She jumped up, "Yay! Lets go to that restaurant One Direction likes to go to, Nandos I think its called," I nodded. 

Steph always went on about her obsession with boy bands. She loved that crap pop music. Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, and One Direction were here favorites. I like Coldplay and music like that. We have always disagreed about music. We had polar opposite taste. 

She stood up and went to her closet, I did the same. "Make sure you look hot, British boys are fire," She said. I laughed, "We've been here for less than a day and your already looking for a boy," She laughed, "No, I'm just saying we need some friends here. And people like to have pretty friends," She always said the weirdest things, "Ok, whatever you say freak," I pulled out a mint sweater with a white tank and my favorite high waisted shorts and she nodded,"That's perfect. What do you think about this?" She showed me some blue and green chevron shorts with a white flowy shirt. "Adorable" 

We both got ready. She straightened her hair and it hit her right at the bottom of her waistline. I let my blond waves hang free. They stopped at the middle of my back. "You almost ready?" She said putting on her eyeliner. "Yea, just one second," I went to the closet and grabbed my combat boots," Can you grab my nude wedges for me please?" I walked over to her closet almost every other pair of shoes was either a heel or wedge. "You shoes are unreasonably high for being as tall as you are," I told her grabbing the wedges. We were both the same height, 5ft 9in. She laughed, "Most of them are for modeling, but don't hate on my babies." I laughed, she had an unhealthy shoe addiction. My weakness was anything vintage. "Ok I'm ready!" We walked out of the building and got a cab to Nandos. 

We walked in and Stephanie slapped my arm, "Its them." I was confused, who the hell was she talking about.

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