Chapter 9

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"Nurse administer the blood test please." "Yes sir," I herd the beeps of various machines in the room. Where was I. I tried to sit up but a stab of pain ran through my body and a nurse gently pushed my down. I opened my eyes and I was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to several wires and various machines. "Doctor, shes awake," I herd a nurse calling from behind me. "Kathryn, how are you feeling dear?" A man asked walking towards me. "Um, I'm fine. A lot of pain though. Where the hell am I?" I knew where I was but I wanted to know why. "Your at the hospital you and your friend where in quite a crash. I'm Dr. Nicolas and these are my nurses, Caroline and Nicole," The two nurses smiled at me. "Where's Stephanie?" I panicked not seeing her in the room. "She woke up a bit before you and is getting bandaged up."

As soon as he said this my broken friend was wheeled in. She had a cut on the side of her face from the top of her cheek bone to around her mid eyebrow and had a cast on her arm and leg. She smiled a smile of relief seeing my face. "Kathryn!" I smiled before I could say anything I was being wheeled away to get my cast on. This wouldn't be fun.

I ran my fingers through my hair and I felt dried blood all over my neck. I realized I had a cut going from behind my ear all the way to my collar bone. They moved me onto a table in a different room. I looked at my bruised body. I had a cut on my stomach and my leg was all black and blue. I was repulsed by the sight of it. They began wrapping me in bandages. 


I was laying in my hospital bed waiting for them to bring Kathryn out. The doctor walked in and he told me she would be right out. "Uh, Dr. Nicolas," He looked up from his clip board. "What exactly happened?" He walked closer to me. "You and your friend were in a horrible car accident with and 18 wheeler. He ran a red light ad smashed into your side of the car. The car flip over. It is a miracle you and your friend aren't seriously ingured." I couldn't find words to respond. He noticed I was in such shock and gave me a resasuring smile while he checked some of the machines. I layed back in my bed and the nurse pushed Kathryn in.

"Hey" She said as she was lifted onto her bed. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I turned my head to face her. "Like a millon bucks," I smiled. It was still the same Kathryn. We talked for a while and we were told we had visitors. 

"How are my favorite people doing?" A peppy Louis said as he walked in. He stopped in his tracks when he saw our conditions. "We're fine how are you guys?" I answere trying to lighten the mood. The rest of the boys followed and they were in complete shock. "What is wrong with you guys. It's like you've never seen a few bumps and bruises," Kathryn joked. We were in a good mood concidering we might have almost died a few hours earlier. 

"Sorry, but are you all right?" Liam asked with a concered voice. I half smiled, "We will be fine eventually. Just a car wreck thats all," I tried to make it seem like no big deal but the thought of a car wreck scared the shit out of me.

It had all happened so fast. All I could remember was singing the chours of Live While We're Young. I winced in pain just thinking about it. The boys noticed my pain and Niall went to get a doctor. Harry came over to me and sat down by my bed. Louis followed and sat in between Kathyn and I. "How much longer are you in here for," Harry said moving a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Not sure hopefully we will be out soon," He smiled.


The doctor walked in and began to talk to us, "So you girls are in a pretty bad condition. I ask you to refrain from walking for 2-3 weeks and then we will put you on crutches and we will see how long that last for." I sat up in her bed. "Whats the long term damage here?" The doctor shrugged, "I'm really not sure. Why do you ask?" I felt my body tense,, "Because I need to be able to walk normally again. I'm a dancer." 

"Well I can't promise normal movements again. Your banged up pretty badley." I felt like someone punched me in the face, "You don't understand. You need to fix this. Your a doctor, you.." Tears began to well in my eyes. "We will do the best we can, but I can't promise you will be able to dance again." I felt myself being ripped apart inside. 

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