Chapter 12

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I stayed with Stephanie for the rest of the day. We just layed on her bed watching movies and talking. It was really nice. She had a hilarious laugh that was contagious. "Hold on," I said getting up and walking to the kitchen. I boiled some noddles and made her butter pasta. It was one of her favorite things to eat, when she actually ate. I brought it to her and a look of pain/confusion/disbelief/horror came across her face. "I made you some lunch," She sat Indian style on the bed and took the bowl. She just stared at it for a while. "Uh, thanks Harry," I sat down in front of her and stole a noddle from the bowl. "I made it special for you, so you have to eat it." I said teasing her and she smiled. She took one noddle from the bowl and ate it. "There I ate some." I looked at her in shock. "That is not some, that is a speck. You need to eat it. There are starving children in Africa who would love to eat that" she rolled her eyes, "Ok, mom,"

I grabbed the fork and got some noddles, "Here comes the plane. Open up," I mocked in a baby voice. She cracked up, "I'm not three," "Really than eat your lunch." I tickled her sides, which I soon found out where her tickle spots. "No," She answered back plainly. "Why not?" She shrugged, "I'm not hungry," I shook my head, "Yes you are, please eat it." She sighed and pushed a mouthful down her mouth. I smiled, "Wasn't horrible was it?" She smiled, "Nope, it was delicious.  Your a pretty good chef Mr. Styles," I smiled like an idiot when she called me Mr. Styles, I was on my way back to having her normal.

Nialler: Quick management meeting. They have something important to tell us

You: Ok be there soon

"Hey I have a meeting. I'll text you later tonight," I said while kissing her forehead. "Ok, have fun." She jumped inside her covers and turned on the tv.  


Spending the day with Harry had been really nice. I never finished the noddles but the fact he made them just for me left me a little guilty for not finishing them. I put them on the side table for later. I was starting to really like him. 

"Bye Harry, where's Steph?" I herd Kat say from the doorway. "Bye Kat,  in the room," Kathryn came into the room and climbed onto her bed. "Hey," I said sitting up. "Hey, whats up," I turned off the tv, "Nothing really. I'v been in bed since we got home. Where did you disappear to?" She laughed, "Liam took me to the studio," My jaw dropped open, "He did what?" "He, uh, took me to the studio." She mumbled. "What did you guys do?" I saw a slight smile emerge on her face. "He taught me that I can dance again, and we uh, kissed." Her voiced trailed off on the last word.

She seemed a lot happier at this moment than she had in the last couple weeks. Her eyes were sparkling again, although it wasn't the same sparkle it was close. 

"That is so sweet. I knew he liked you," I said smiling to myself. "No, he doesn't like me," She looked scared. "Kat are you blind? He went out of his way for you." I was so confused, but then I remember I was dealing with Kathryn. She was gorgeous but had a low self esteem. I had no idea why because she was beautiful. "He was just being nice," She answered back quietly. "If he was being "nice" he would have brought you cookies. He freaking took you to the dance studio." Sometimes she could be so oblivious. "Why would he want me Steph?" She shot at me. "Because your beautiful, you have a killer personality, and who wouldn't?" She just looked down, "No, I'm just normal and he's Liam Payne for crying out loud. He-" I cut her off. "When we came here you didn't even know who he was. Kathryn they are normal people. Why can't you accept that he likes you?" She didn't answer. 

"You wanna know what I think?I think you like him. I think you know he likes you. I think you just to scared to hold on to someone." She didn't move. "I think, I'm exactly right." 


Stephanie was right, but I couldn't admit it. I didn't understand why I felt the way I did for someone I used to hate. He made me feel so special. So wanted. No one else made me feel the way I did when I was with him. It confused me and I didn't like that. I had to shake the feelings.

Relationships are bad.

I just don't do relationships..

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