Chapter 2

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When we go into Nandos my eyes quickly found a table of five boys. "Its them I blurted out," Kathryn looked confused. "Who the hell is them Steph. We don't know anyone here." I shook my head, "Kat its One Freaking Direction." She was oblivious to teen pop culture sometimes. "Do you expect me to know what that is. Last time I checked "One Direction" was a way to go on a street." I laughed. Kathryn is well, let's just say she is really stubborn, sarcastic, and is not afraid to tell you how she feels. It's both a blessing and a curse. "Your retarded, they are like the hottest boy band right now. There is five of them and they are damn sexy." She still looked confused. "Um, ok, whatever. I want to eat."

We sat down in the booth behind the five boys. "I'm going to get the food, be right back," I nodded, "Don't embarrass yourself," She smirked, "Embarrass myself, your funny steph," She said as she got up from the table. When she began to walk she ran straight into a boy. "Um, excuse me. Why the hell are you just standing in the middle of the room?" She snapped at the boy. We were both really jet lagged and when she was tired she was super grumpy. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to love," The boy turned around and my mouth dropped wide open. He had this dazzling accent, brown eyes, and this perfect hair. I quickly realized it was Liam. She would have no idea who it was and would keep yelling at the poor boy. 

"Listen buddy, I'm not your "Love" I don't even know who the fuck you are. So please move." He looked shocked to here that. "I'm sorry, uh do you know who I am?" He said with a straight face. She looked insulted, this boy was in deep shit. "No, and I don't care to. Can you please move so I can get my food." She said shortly. I could tell she was getting really annoyed. I turned and looked at the other boys who had no idea what was going on. Lucky them. "I'm Liam for One Direction," He said to her. Her face changed recognizing the name but she proceeded to tell him off. "Congrada-fucking-lations. If you would excuse me I'll try to find a shit to give." He stepped aside, his face was priceless. He stood there in complete shock. I guess a pretty boy like him had never dealt with an American girl like Kat. 

She came back to the table and slammed the food down. "Simmer down child," She sat. "Those stupid boys think they can do whatever the hell they want because they sing gay little love songs. I pisses me off," I looked behind her and the boys were looking at us. "Kat, lets go." I stood up and grabbed her arm. She jerked it away. "One second," She got up and walked over to the boys table. 

"Hey One Infection or whatever you like to call yourselves. Can I ask y'all a question?" She said rudely. They just nodded. "Do you assume everyone has to be nice to you just because you sing little cutesy songs?" Holy shit. Those words did not just come our of her mouth. I ran over to their table. "Kat c'mon we need to leave, like now." I tugged at her arm. She resisted again, "Why I'm in the middle of asking a question." I looked over at the boys and they were laughing. This wasn't good Kathryn hates not being taken seriously. "What the hell is so funny anyway." She demanded. "Kat we should go. I'm sorry she bothered you guys. Her mouth isn't on the term as her mouth." Kathryn glared at me and the boys laughed even more.

I forgot to mention that being in their presence and not fangiring was about to kill me. Breathe Stephanie. I looked at Kathryn I could see the anger in her eyes. 


"Hey everyone!" I screamed out. "One Direction is eating at Nando's right this second." An oncoming stampede of girls was rushing towards us. I winked at the boys and casually flicked them off. Stephanie saw and grabbed my hair pulling me as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast due to her ginormous heels, out of the restaurant. 

"I thought I told you not to embarrass yourself," Stephanie said the moment we got out of the restaurant. "I didn't what are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes, "You told off Liam. As entertaining as it was you can't go around do that to people like-" I cut her off, "Look just because he is famous or whatever doesn't give him the right to prance around like he is a god." She laughed, "I know that but next time you could be a smudge nicer. Flicking people off is not a good impression." I nodded, "What ever you say steph.." She just rolled her eyes.

When we got home we changed into our PJ's and Steph sat on my bed, " You should have seen Liam's face when you walked away. Priceless," I laughed, "That boy doesn't know how to deal with jet lagged American girls," Steph laughed and checked her phone. "Liam tweeted about you," She began cracking up. "What does it say?" She wouldn't stop laughing and she fell of the bed. I grabbed the phone from her and read the tweet. 

@Real_Liam_Payne: Interesting Dinner at Nandos... 

I laughed with her. "You should tweet him back," She said between laughs, "Hell no, my feed doesn't need to be jacked up with One Infection shit." She laughed even louder, "Its One DIRECTION, stupid,"

"Your rolling on the floor laughing and I'm the stupid one. Yeah, ok." She wouldn't stop laughing. He laugh was pretty contagious. 

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