Chapter 5

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Steph walked in and told me we were going out with the boys. I was excited but also a little annoyed I would have to see Liam. I thought I was never gonna see him again, guess I was wrong. I hadn't hooked up with anyone in a while. Actually I lied its been about a month. I'll admit something now. I've neer settled down with anyone before. I've always assumed guys wouldn't love me for who I really was. I decided to skip the messy relationships and stick to hook ups. I was judge for being a whore and other things but I know I'm not. I do it to push away my problems. It just made sense to me. 

I guess it really started in high school when Steph moved away. She had been my only close friend, without her I felt alone. I turned to outlets. Stephanie doesn't really now how much I've changed without her. I hope she wouldn't be mad but knowing Steph she probably wasn't an angel herself. 

"Kathryn!" I snapped out of my thoughts when Steph threw a dress at me. I guess I was being forced to go out tonight. We got ready and went into the lobby. When we got down all the boys were waiting, they looked pretty impressed by our looks. Not going to lie we looked hot. I decided to speak before the turned into One Erection. 

"So are we going to stand in the lobby like loser or go have a couple drinks? I'm legal here and ready to get fucked up," Everyone burst into laughter and Steph smiled, "Your a freak," I winked. 

"Lets go then," Harry said and we followed him into the car.


On the way to the club I sat in the back with Niall. I found myself analyzing Kathryn. She looked amazing. A dress and combat boots is hard to pull off. She did. Her hair looked effortlessly beautiful. I felt the sudden urge to kiss her but I couldn't because she hated me. I was going to have to change that soon. 

She was hilarious. Something about a girl with a sense of humor turns me on. When we got out I went to talk to her. 

“Hey, did you finally realize I can snog way better than some old man?” “Nope not yet and FYI Chris is only like 30 something.” I laughed. “That’s quite an age difference.” “For all you know Liam I might like them older” I wasn’t sure whether to believe her or not… 


When we got to the club I found myself next to Stephanie. She looked amazing. Her tan stood out in the neon skirt and the glimpse of her stomach made me want her even more. I figured I would get her tonight. 

"Is this your first time being to a club?" I asked her and she laughed, "I've had a fake ID since I was 16 this is most definatly not the first time." I laughed, "So you know how to have fun I assume," She smirked, "I'm the queen of that," This girl new how to make me want her.


Tonight was the night I was going to get Harry. I have a history with boys and some isn't that good. I'm not a slut but I fall a little to easily. This has lead me to getting hurt to many times. I've stopped with all that relationship crap and decided to just have fun. Since my personality is flirty by nature I use this to my advantage. I've never done anything extreme with a guy but I like to have fun. 

I have a specific way of getting guys to fall for you. You make them want more. This is how I'm going to get Mr. Styles. 

I started the night off with a flirty comment and I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the VIP section of the club along with everyone else. 

"Want a drink?" Harry asked when we got into the VIP section. I nodded, "Surprise me," He laughed and went to get the drinks. I found Kathryn and her and Louis were doing something. I couldn't tell what it what but it was stupid. They were laughing like idiots and Zayn walked over with drinks for them. Harry came back and handed me my drink. He had gotten the same thing. I smelled it and it was straight vodka. "Trying to get me drunk aren't you," i said jokingly. He smirked, I noticed he does that a lot. "You caught me," He put his hands up and laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I took at sip and the vodka burned down my throat. This was going to be some night. "Lets dance!" I shouted and pulled Harry to the dance floor. I not an amazing dancer but I used to take hip-hop and I'm tipsy. I was going to have fun. The DJ was really good. Everyone was dancing I went up to the DJ and requested a song. He laughed and told me he would play it. 

I pulled Kathryn towards me and whispered the song. She laughed and nodded. 


Steph was a genius. The DJ began to play our song. We had taken hip-hop classes together until Steph moved. I had kept on dancing obviously and she dropped it. I have always been a better all-around dancer but Steph was pretty good when it came to the hip-hop. She had told the DJ to play our last recital song. Drop it Low by Ester Dean ft. Chris Brown it was a hilarious dance. She took a shot and tugged me toward the center of the dance floor. "Remember the dance," She whispered to me I nodded. "Don't fall in those shoes," I joked. She laughed, "I've master dancing in these babies," The song started and in perfect unison we began to dance. We were having so much fun. When we finished all the boys were staring at us. "You know it's not polite to stare," Stephanie joked at them. "Close your mouths you'll catch flies," I added. We both laughed. "Lets get more drinks!" I told Stephanie and we walked to the bar. 

"That was amazing," She proclaimed. "I know did you see their faces. Hilarious!" We both laughed. "They didn't see that coming." We order more drinks and met the boys in the VIP section. 

"That was quite a dance," Liam said when we got over there. "Oh, I know." He laughed. "I thought you only did ballet." I smirked, "Well you thought wrong," I laughed. 


Their dance was amazing. I was stunned to see to girls like them dance like that. It was pretty funny. When they finished they got more drinks and I talked to Kathryn for a bit. She was really sarcastic all the time.

"Liam, loosen up. Have a drink or two," She joked. I shook my head. "I'm ok thanks though," She laughed, "Oh well," She took a sip of her drink. Stephanie pulled her away and whispered something. Kathryn's expression changed. I figured Stephanie told her why I couldn't drink. The girls walked to the dance floor again. I went up to Harry, "These girls are something else," He smiled, "I know, I like it." 


Liam and I were watch the girls dance. They seemed to really being enjoying themselves. I decided I was going to make my move. I walked over to the dance floor and began to dance with Stephanie smiled and was laughing. Something about her laugh was contagious. While dancing I forgot all my intentions to get with her I was just enjoying the moment. This was weird for me but she was different. 

It was getting pretty late so we decided to head out. I sat next to Stephanie on the way home and we talked about a lot of different things. We were all in the lobby when Stephanie realized she had forgotten her phone in the car. We told everyone to go up stairs and I would wait for her. We were on the elevator up and I began to talk to her, "I didn't know you danced?" She smiled,"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Mr. Styles," I laughed. "I guess we are going to have to change that,"  She was mysterious, she made me want to know everything about her. 


I thought my plan had been pretty successful. Harry had waited for me to get my phone and we had talked on the way home. He was nicer than I had expected him to be. I guess I should stop judging popstars. He walked me to my door and I gave him a  soft peck on the cheek, "Bye Mr. Styles," He smiled. "Bye Steph," 

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