Chapter 7

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When I walked into Liam's flat thousands of things were running through my mind. Why was I here? I knew but I was scared. This is weird I'm usually never scared. This is what bothered me about Liam he got me frazzled. I got nervous around him and it bothered me. A lot. 

"What did you need to talk to me about?" He asked shutting the door. "Um, it's not that important." I couldn't find the words to say. He shrugged, "Want a beer?" I followed him into the kitchen. "I thought you didn't drink." He laughed, "I don't but my mates do." He open a beer and handed it to me. "Thanks," 

"So, I guess I came over here to apologize for being rude to you. I never gave you a full chance. So..Uh...Sorry," I said softly. He smiled, "I forgive you and I also apologize for being rude to you as well. We got off to a rocky start." I nodded, "Start fresh?" "I'd like that," He said. "So now that we are friends," Something about him calling us friends made me smile on the inside, "May I call you Kat?" I laughed, "I guess so," He raised his hands in victory. We both laughed. 

"Tell me things," "Like what, Kat," I laughed. "Like how it is to be in a boy band." 

"Well, it is a blast and it has given me the chance to be close to four of the most amazing people you will ever meet. It can get annoying though, sometimes you just want to go out and have fun without getting attacked by the paparazzi. I guess it's the price you pay for doing the things you love. It really test how strong you are." He said while grabbed a water from the fridge. I smiled, "My grandma always told me that things happen to test your strength. She told me that when Steph moved it was God testing my inner strength." I paused taking a sip of my beer, "She was right," 


Kathryn and I were having a really nice chat for the first time. No fights broke out and it seemed like we were both helping each other with our struggles. Our lives had both changed over the past couple years. Although in completely different ways, it was still just as hard to adjust to the changes.

We talked for a while and it was getting kinda late. "Do you want to grab a bite to eat? Or we could stay here?" I asked her. She looked up from her phone. "We can do whatever, I think I'm alone tonight." "Why is that?" She shrugged, "Not sure, Steph feel off the face of the Earth." I laughed, "So I'm your back up plan?" "Pretty much, Liam," I rolled my eyes. "Where do you want to go?" She stood up. "Dazzle me." I laughed. 

We went to a local french restaurant and we sat at a booth. "So, I told you about me but I want to know about you." She snickered, "What you see is what you get Liam. Nothing exciting." "I doubt that." She shrugged, "I dunno, I'm not good at this stuff." "I'll help you. I'll just ask you questions. Give you honest answer," She nodded, "Go for it," 


I guess it's time to play 20 questions. This should be interesting. 

"Whats your favorite thing to do?" "Easy, dance," 

"Who was your first kiss?" "Hmm, his name was Bennett. It was at a football game and he brought me under the bleachers and kissed me. Not very exciting but I mean only in movies do they have amazing first kisses." 

"Virgin?" "Your nosy aren't you?" He nodded, "Well, in that case it's for me to know and you to find out." 

"Whats the craziest thing you've ever done?" "There's a lot. Hmm, I guess it would have to be when I flew to Miami without telling my parents. I just packed my stuff and left." 

"Whats the worst thing you've ever done?" "Uh," I looked down at my menu, "I've had thoughts of suicide before." The conversation suddenly got less happy. "I'm sorry to hear that," I nodded, "Yeah so am I." 

The waitress came and took our order. "So about what I said last, want to forget about it?" I asked taking a sip of my water. He shook his head, "No, I'm sorry but I can't just forget something like that," "Why not? Tons of people have," I began to fumble with the ring Stephanie had given me. It had the words love is louder than the pressure to be perfect: Stay strong. I wore it everyday. It remind me that people loved me. "Look suicide doesn't solve anything. Plenty of people would love to have you in your life and those who don't aren't worth being around-," I stopped him, "I know, I've gotten this lecture before. Thanks." He sighed, "All I'm saying is, the world would suck without you." 


Stephanie had fallen asleep while watching the movie. I didn't know if I was supposed to wake her so I didn't. I gently picked her up and tucked her into my bed. I grabbed her phone and texted Kathryn. 

You: Won't be coming home tonight sorry!

Katsy: Kk see you tomorrow 

I put her phone down and Stephanie cuddled in the blankets. It was freezing in my flat and she was obviously cold. I laid down next to her warming her with my body. I found myself drifting off to sleep. 

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